Congratulations to the May-Port CG FBLA Chapter on their successes at the 2019 FBLA State Leadership Conference in Bismarck, ND from March 31st to April 2nd. 57 MPCG FBLA members attended the conference and competed in various tests, projects, and presentations as well as participated in various leadership workshops. The following students placed in their event at the conference:
Hanna McIntyre - 5th Place in Accounting I;
Julia Kohls - 4th Place in Business Communications, National Qualifying;
Hanna McIntyre - 9th Place Business Communications;
Anna Strand, Ava Nelson, Teri Nelson - 4th Place Community Service Project, National Qualifying;
Julia Kohls, Bri Hutter, Hannah Ust - 3rd Place Community Service Project, National Qualifying;
Ben Ogburn - 8th Place Computer Problem Solving;
Sylvia Straight - 5th Place Database Design and Application;
Jackson Braaten - 3rd Place Database Design and Application, National Qualifying;
Breck Fugleberg - 2nd Place Database Design and Application, National Qualifying;
Julia Kohls - 1st Place Database Design and Application, National Qualifying;
Anna Strand, Teri Nelson, Ava Nelson - 4th Place Entrepreneurship, National Qualifying;
Gunnar Petersen - 8th Place Insurance and Risk Management;
Grace Koshney - 6th Place Introduction to Business Communication;
Ava Nelson - 2nd Place Introduction to Business Communication, National Qualifying;
Madison Anderson, Isabell Parker - 6th Place Introduction to Business Presentation;
Kinsey Parker - 7th Place Introduction to Business Procedures;
Oliver Marquardt - 9th Place Introduction to Information Technology;
Isabell Parker - 5th Place Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure;
Ilanora Peterson - 3rd Place Job Interview, National Qualifying;
Rylee Thompson, Taylor Garrett, Breck Fugleberg, Grace Koshney, Reese Hanson - 4th Place Parliamentary Procedure, National Qualifier;
Dylan Huard - 7th Place Securities and Investments;
Kendall Nelson - 8th Place Word Processing;
Sophie Kloster - 10th Place Chapter Activities Scrapbook Digital;
Julia Kohls - 6th Place Local Chapter Annual Business Report;
Ava Nelson, Teri Nelson, Josh Evans - 8th Place Virtual Business Management Challenge Fall, 5th Place Virtual Business Management Challenge Spring;
Gunnar Petersen, Hannah Ust, Ellie Bergstrom - 8th Place Virtual Business Management Challenge Spring;
Ava Nelson - 10th Place Stock Market Game;
Also, congratulations to Mrs. Strand on her 10 years of service to the MPCG FBLA Chapter!
The May-Port CG FBLA Chapter also earned the award for the Largest Local Chapter Membership in the state of North Dakota with 78 members, the North Dakota Go For Gold Award and 3rd Place in the Dorothy L. Travis Outstanding Local Chapter Award.
This summer, the National Qualifiers will attend the National Leadership Conference in San Antonio, TX and will compete in their qualifying events to represent the state of North Dakota and the May-Port CG School.
Great Job Students!