Our State May-Port CG FCCLA Delegates did awesome things in Bismarck this week! From STAR event Student Evaluators, Hosts, Consultants, Workshop participants, leaders learned many new life skills. Congrats to all! Especially Maddy Beck, Lucy Lindaas, Katelyn Finstrom, and Olivia Gapp for earning the trip to Nationals in Anaheim, CA this summer! Great job, everyone!
SENIORS: In preparation for Jostens arriving with your graduation gowns, we will start collecting money this week for the gown rentals. Please bring one check for $20 and one for $5 (or cash) for the gown rental. Once the gowns are returned, the $20 check or cash is given back to you. You MUST bring $25 or you will not get your gown when Jostens is here. They plan to come mid to late April and I will notify you when the date is set. Please note this only applies if you plan to rent a gown. If you purchased a gown, this does not apply to you.
Our athletic trainer, Ben, will be in tomorrow, Thursday, but not until 3:00 PM due to a conference he is attending. If you need to see him, please plan to see him during Patriot Pride Time tomorrow.
FBLA Members! 9 am is the deadline to VOTE for next year's officers! The ballot is on Schoology!
Junior Bank Board meets this coming Monday, April 15th at 7:30 AM. Please remember to bring a senior picture if you have not already done so!
Looking for a summer job? Alliance Property Services is trying to find someone interested in doing basic lawncare at the local Dollar General stores in Mayville and Hillsboro. We are looking for someone for the next three summers beginning the week of April 21, 2019. It will pay $50 per cut and will need to be cut approximately every one to two weeks. This person will need to be dependable, able to work a flexible schedule, and follow simple guidelines. If you know of anyone with mower and blower that may be interested in earning some extra money this summer, please have them contact me at their earliest convenience. My phone number is 800-755-6411 ext. 109 or I can be reached by email at procurement.dollargeneral@alliancepropertyservices.com.
The MPCG Booster Club is trying an online store for Spring/Summer Patriot apparel! Click on the link below to visit the store. The store will close at 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 11th. Contact Tiffany Moen with any questions! https://mpcgbooster.itemorder.com/sale
FCCLA meeting today at Common Time in the FACS Room ... the annual Easter Egg Hunt! Don't miss it! Also reports from State Workshops. See you there!
Are you interested in attending Girls State? A reminder that applications for Girls State are due May 1. The completed applications can be turned in to the office. Jess also has extra applications in the office if you need one.
The Driver Education sign-up sheet is on the counter in front of the office. Deadline to sign-up is Thursday, April 18. Any questions, see Mr. Strand.
Seniors: It’s time to start prepping for graduation! We would like your graduation slideshow pictures submitted to Mr. Torgeson by April 15th. You may have up to 5 pictures in the slide show, and the photos must be a digital file. Please email these to Mr. Torgeson. We also need one wallet size, upright closeup color photo sent to Mrs. Hanson for the class composite and yearbook.
High School students, are you thinking about a career in education? Mayville State University Education and Innovation Center is looking to partner with high school students for our annual STEM Carnival. You can get paid to work with current MSU Education Students to teach science and math concepts to young children. This year’s carnival is set for Saturday, April 13th. For more information please contact Jeni Peterson, jeni.peterson@mayvillestate.edu.
Seniors: If you are interested in the field of teaching, apply for the Nancy Jallo Teachers for Tomorrow college scholarship. You may use the $1000 scholarship to attend the college of your choice. See Mrs. M. Johnson for an application. The deadline to apply is April 25.
The May-Port CG Summer Baseball and Softball Program is currently accepting registrations for boys and girls, ages five and up at www.mpcgbaseballboosters.com . Payments will be made online with credit or debit card or electronic check, however offline payment is available in special cases. If you need to pay offline, please contact Taylor Kunkel at taylor.kunkel@may-portcg.com.
Today’s menu is Chicken Nuggets, Rice, Green Beans, Jello, and Juice.