
Congratulations students and staff on a wonderful Night of the Arts! Great job Patriots!    

6th Grade students interested in Football: There will be an informational meeting today at 3:00 in the auditorium for any students that missed the previous meeting.

The Library is closed for inventory. Please return any books you have checked out.  The library will re-open on May 20th for summer checkout!

Students interested in Cross Country: There will be a meeting with Coach Mehus on Tuesday, May 14th at 3:00 in the High School Gym.  She will be handing out information on upcoming summer events. We hope to see you there!

FCA will be hosting a Marvel Movie Event tomorrow at Riverside E Free Church in Mayville.  The event starts at 6:30 PM for students in grades 6-12. More information will be posted on the FCA board in the entryway. Contact either Jackson Rexine or Kyra Mortenson with questions.

Football is looking for 2 students to help with taking video for games next year. Please see Mr. Sola!  He is willing to offer donuts.

SENIORS: We will soon be placing the order for the white lilies at graduation. If you would need more than one lily for the ceremony, please let Jess know in the office as soon as possible. Thank you!

There is a sign-up for Cheerleading for the 2019-2020 school year in the office. Anyone who will be in grades 7-12 next year is eligible. There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, May 14th during common time.

There will be a Middle School Dance on Friday, May 17th, from 7-9 PM.  Students in Grades 6-8 can attend for $5/person. The theme is Glow in the Dark!

Good luck to the teams competing today!
Jr High Track Team at Hillsboro-Central Valley, students are dismissed at 2:30 PM.
High School Track Team at Central Cass, students are dismissed at 1:45 PM.
JH/JV/V Softball Teams at Hankinson, students are dismissed at 1:00, game time is 4:30 PM.
Boys Golf at Jamestown, students dismissed all day.
Baseball at the Central Cass Jamboree, game time is 6:45 PM.
Let’s Go Patriots!!

Today’s menu is Taco Pizza, Corn, Cottage Cheese, and Peaches.