Locker Rooms MUST be cleaned out by the end of the day today!
Lost & Found items are displayed in front of the office, be sure to take a look through!
Locker Room Lock buy-back will be available today during lunch time only, in the Commons.
There will be open gym from 7:00 to 8:30 on Wednesdays for Jr. High Boys at the High School. First open gym will be May 29th. If you have any questions please give Coach Dockter a call at 701-212-8288.
Reminder to all interested football players – please get your 7 on 7 Camp and Team Camp registrations in to Coach Sola as soon as possible!
May-Port CG Boys & Girls Basketball Camp will be held in July for students in grades 2-12 – find the registration form outside the office!
The deadline to order a yearbook is May 30th, and the cost is $35, payable in the school office. Order yours today!!
There is a Tractor Safety Training class that will be held June 4 & 5th in the Rural Water Building in Clifford. The class is designed for youth ages 14-15. Training includes both classroom and behind the wheel instruction. Completion of this course will allow youth to operate farm equipment on a farm other than a family farm. Registration is due May 29th and pamphlets are available in the office. Contact Angie Johnson with any questions at 701-524-2253 or by email at
If you are interested in reading announcements next school year, please see Jess in the office!
An Aquaculture and Hydroculture 3-day camp is being offered for girls ages 15-18 at Dakota College in Bottineau on June 11-13. Students will explore careers in STEM activities through aquaculture and hydroculture. Please visit the website for more information:
Traill District Health is offering a Babysitting Clinic on May 29 from 9:00-2:30 PM. This will be held in the community room at the Traill County Courthouse in Hillsboro. Registration is at 8:45 AM. Cost is $20. Register by May 24th by calling Traill District Health Unit at 701-636-4434.
The library is open today for summer checkout! Those with books still out: Jovie Cordahl, Jacob Crawford, Alex Hathaway, Daniel Hefta, Sophia Johnson, Tanner Kiefel, Alex Knudson, Mason Knudson, Nick Kostuck, Bohdi Peterson, Amy Robinette, Maryan Sebastion, and Parker Strand.
Track students – please turn in your uniform to the office.
Congratulations to Dallas Jorgenson, Kennedy Foss and Hannah Ust for being selected as All-Region Softball players. Way to go Patriots!
Today’s menu is Taco Salad, Corn, and Peaches.