Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Friday, August 23, 2019
Encouraging thought of the day:
We have amazing teachers at MPCG- take a moment today to thank a teacher, tell them they are doing a good job. Everyone needs encouragement!
“Being motivated is more than simply doing the things we have to do. It's also about identifying and cutting out the things we should stop.” -Andrew Alexander
On the Lunch Menu today:
Pasta Salad
Daily Activities:
Varsity Volleyball- 6:00am
New - JH volleyball - after school at the high school
Cross Country- 6:30am
JH Football- 4:00pm
We play GCC-Midkota tonight at 7:00pm
MPCG Booster Club will be having a football tailgating event at Jerome Berg Field tonight! Come out and support the Patriots!
Good luck to Cross Country on Saturday at Hillsboro!
Good luck the Volleyball team at the Thompson scrimmage!
Daily Reminders:
Schedule Changes- you have until August 28 at 4:00pm to drop/add classes.
If any seniors taking Dual Credit College English are looking for used textbooks, see Mrs. Germundson. She has a set for sale.
The booster club is looking for design ideas for a patriot t-shirt. Please consider submitting a design yourself or a with a group!! We will then have a committee vote on the design that will be used school wide!! Designs due August 30th to Mrs Strand’s mailbox in the office!!
Attention Grades 8-12! Come enjoy a FREE movie sponsored by the May-Port CG FBLA - Spider-Man Far From Home, Thursday, August 29th at 6:30 PM at the Delchar Theater. Come see what FBLA is all about and enjoy some popcorn!
Anyone interested in helping with volleyball stats this season or video, please talk to Mrs. Hanson ASAP!!
Detention Room/Detention Duty:
Mrs. Blotsky- The Office