Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Encouraging thought of the day:
“When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.”
On the Lunch Menu today:
Potato Salad
Carmel Apple Dessert/Juice
Daily Activities:
Middle School Collaboration 3:00
JHVB v Dakota Prairie 4/5 @PBJ
C/JV/VVB v Dakota Prairie 5/6/7:30 at home - the theme for tonight’s game is WHITE OUT! Let’s go Patriots!
JHFB, VFB 3:40
XC 4:00,
Cheer 4:00 Portland,
EGBB 3:45 @ Armory
Great job by the Jr High FB team with your win over Cavalier!
Daily Reminders:
Reminder: If you have been assigned a detention you serve it THE SAME DAY at 3:30, if you don’t attend the 3:30 detention you serve 7:30am the following day. If you miss a detention you will automatically serve double. Please take responsibility to attend your assigned detention hours. I will be coming around this morning to visit with students who missed detention yesterday and this morning.
Students in grades 9-12 can pick up petitions for class officers on the desk outside of the office. They will need to be turned in by Wednesday, September 11th. Elections will take place on Friday the 13th. If you have any questions please stop in or email Mrs. Torgeson.
SENIORS: The Booster club is looking for students to help October 6th for the Turkey Dinner. Please see Mrs. Strand to sign up!
REMINDER! Picture day is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11th, beginning at 8:00 AM in the auditorium. Classes will be called out one at a time and teacher and teacher and students will report to the auditorium to have their picture taken. You will receive the proofs on an order form for choices of packages at a later date.
Grades 6-7-8 will be NWEA testing this week and next. Please be sure to get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast!
There was a Cheerleading Warm-up found on a bus - if you are missing your Cheer warm-up, please come to the office!
Detention Room/Detention Duty:
Mrs. Capouch- FACS room