
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Encouraging thought of the day: 

William Blake, English poet, painter, and master engraver, has engraved these words into the character of many: As a man is, so he sees. 

He is talking about perceptions. How a person views the world. The word comes from the Latin percipete, which means to grab hold of. So the question of the day is: How do you grab hold of life? Do you hold the negative or the positive? Do you see the glass half full or half empty?

On the Lunch Menu today: 

Chicken 'n' Biscuits

Glazed Carrots

Oreo Dessert


Daily Activities:

Awesome job yesterday XC runners!
Girls Top 10: Anna-1 Tatum- 2 Isabelle-4 Ahna-9
Boys Top 15: Carter-9 Kade -2 Shawn- 15 Oliver- 5
Way to go team!! We are proud of you!

Great job to our Lady Patriots last night! Big win in 5! Wooo! They hung in there and finished. Way to go girls!

FACS District Planning Meeting @ Grand Forks 10:00am

No Staff Meeting this week please schedule time with me if you want to visit one-on-one

FFA Meeting 3:00 in the Ag Building

3:00 HS Science Collaboration 

VFB 3:45, CVB 6:00am,

JV/VB 3:40, XC 6:30am, 

Daily Reminders:

FFA meeting for anyone in grades 7-12 interested in learning more about FFA or joining FFA! It will be at 3:00pm TODAY in the Ag Room! 

Juniors and Seniors will be going to Mayville State University tomorrow for a college fair. Attendance is required for all juniors and seniors. Leave time is 12:45, and students will be back a little after 2:00.

Community Service opportunity for Seniors- removing the flower bed in front of the school. See Mr. Bradner if you are interested in helping. Thanks!

ASVAB testing is next Tuesday, Sept 24th, for the junior class.  Testing will begin at approximately 11:30. This is mandatory for all juniors. 

See You At the Pole! Will be next Wednesday, Sept 25th, at 8:00 AM in front of the high school. Hope to see you there.

You won’t want to miss this one!!  Wanna get your heart to jump out of your chest?? Whether you are a thrill seeker or simply want to empower yourself and friends with more confidence and trust in one another, this event is for you!! We are kicking off our first JAM event by completing a Character challenge course.  We will leave 7am Saturday, Sept 28th and return by 6-7pm.  All 9-12th students welcome, however we only have limited space, so sign up early!! Deadline to sign up is this FRI, Sept 20th.  Waivers must be completed by the deadline or your spot will be released.  Cost will be $25 per person, and suggested $15 for a light meal after. If cost is an issue, please contact me.  Please RSVP to Tami through text or call at (218) 686-5479 to secure your spot and for access to the liability waiver.   

FCCLA is looking for apple donations. Please contact Mrs. Capouch or Madisyn Beck if you have any to share!

One act play Auditions will be on Thursday and Friday (September 19 &20) morning in the auditorium 6:45 - 7:45. Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Agnes 701-436-6404 or

SENIORS: The Booster Club is looking for students to help October 6th for the Turkey Dinner. Please see Mrs. Strand to sign up! 

Reminder: If you have been assigned a detention you serve it THE SAME DAY at 3:30, if you don’t attend the 3:30 detention you serve 7:30am the following day. If you miss a detention you will automatically serve double. Please take responsibility to attend your assigned detention hours. I will be coming around this morning to visit with students who missed detention yesterday and this morning. 

Detention Room/Detention Duty: 

Mr. Connick- Middle School classroom