Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Monday, September 30
Encouraging thought of the day:
Nancy Lopez is a world class golfer. As a young Hispanic woman, Nancy Lopez overcame obstacles of racism and bigotry with her positive attitude and hard work. She became a big winner at a young age.
Here’s what she says about winning:
“You can’t win all the time. As long as you are doing the best you can, that’s important.”
On the Lunch Menu today:
Baked Potato
Glazed Carrots Butterscotch Pudding
Daily Activities:
9:00 Area Principals meeting @ Hatton Blotsky/Houdek
6:00pm tonight Title I Informational Parent Meeting @ MS Commons
JHFB @ FSHP 4:30 dismiss 2:55 leave 3:05
JVFB @ Pembina 5:00 dismiss 2:25 leave 2:35
Seniors September Service Hours are DUE by 4:00
EGBB vs Emerado 4:30/5:30
VFB 3:40,
JHVB 3:45 @ PBJ,
CVB 6am,
JV/VVB 3:40,
XC 3:40,
Cheer 4:00
Daily Reminders:
SENIORS - Community Service hours are due by 4:00 PM tomorrow!
The Air Guard will be visiting during lunch today - be sure to stop by and say hi!
There will be a parent & player meeting for boys in grades 4, 5, or 6 who are interested in playing basketball. The meeting will be October 7th at 6:30 PM at the High School Auditorium.
We have a few 2018-19 Yearbooks left if anyone would like to purchase one! Cost is $35 and can be paid with Jess in the office.
Seniors interested in more community service hours, talk to Mr. Kunkel. The hockey arena needs some help with painting. Remember, hours are DUE tomorrow by 4:00!
Seniors, the applications for Junior Bank Board are available in the office. These are due back by Thursday!
Since it is October and Children's Health Month, FCCLA is once again selling Caramel Apples in the HS Commons during Common Time this week for $1 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All proceeds go toward the Children's Make A Wish Miracle Network! Help to make a difference!
Spanish Travelers - Pizzas will be delivered Wednesday morning. Please make arrangements to pick them up!
The Booster Club only needs two more students to help this Sunday, October 6th for the Turkey Dinner. This is open to any students willing to help! Please see Mrs. Strand to sign up!
Reminder: If you have been assigned a detention you serve it THE SAME DAY at 3:30, if you don’t attend the 3:30 detention you serve 7:30am the following day. If you miss a detention you will automatically serve double. Please take responsibility to attend your assigned detention hours. I will be coming around this morning to visit with students who missed detention yesterday and this morning.
Detention Room/Detention Duty:
Mrs. Gapp