
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Friday, October 4

Encouraging thought of the day: 

Teachers: When the expectations begin to feel impossible remember because of you today someone is going to smile, is going to make a connection, and become more confident and feels loved! Don’t give up! Thank you TEACHERS!

On the Lunch Menu today: 
Corndogs *25¢ for an extra
Scalloped potatoes
Peas Carrots
Mandarin Oranges

Daily Activities:

WOW! Awesome job to all of our volleyball teams last night!!! Middle School came out with a win too! Way to go girls!

IT’S GAME DAY! Varsity football is in Colfax at 7:00 tonight! They will leave today at 3:40. 

The Mayville State Ladies VB team will be here talking to our Middle School at 2:50 today.

JHFB 3:40
JHVB 3:45 @ HS
C/JV/VVB 6am
XC 6:15am
EGBB 3:45 @ PBJ

Weekend Activities: 
8th Grade VB Jamboree @ Hillsboro
Cross Country @ Minot 

Sunday! Booster Club Turkey Dinner at 11:00-1:00 at the high school! 

Daily Reminders:

Congratulations to KADE SUSIE for signing to play baseball at Mayville State University. We are so proud of you!

Seniors- if you have started making final decisions about your future, whether that be a career path or college- we want to hear about it! Let Mrs. Blotsky know!

SENIORS: Please check your email and vote for Homecoming candidates by 10 am today!  At the end of 3rd hour, we will announce the honor escorts and king and queen candidates. 

Students that signed up for the turkey dinner, please check your email! Your times and duties were sent to you yesterday!  Also, there are a limited number of Thrivent shirts available for workers, first come first serve.

SENIORS: A representative from Northern University in Aberdeen, SD will be here visiting on Monday morning, October 7th and will be happy to answer any questions you have. 

FFA Officer Applications are due to Mrs. Kieffer by October 9th. Officer positions are open to students in grades 9-12!

There will be a parent & player meeting for boys in grades 4, 5, or 6 who are interested in playing basketball.  The meeting will be October 7th at 6:30 PM at the High School Auditorium. 

Friday Early Release Incentive:  This is for students in grades 9-12. They will NEED PERMISSION FORMS FOR EARLY DISMISSAL. Every Friday I will go through and mark any students who has received any of the following: Tardys, Office Referrals, Ineligibilities, missing assignment list.  If students have any one of these marked they will not be permitted to leave PPT time early on Fridays.  I will run this report at 9:00 Friday morning. I will not take ANY CHANGES after NOON Friday! You must check into your PPT PRIOR TO LEAVING! 

Detention Room/Detention Duty: 
Mrs. Gapp