Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Friday, November 1
Encouraging thought of the day:
Oprah Winfrey said: “I think education is power. I think that being able to communicate with people is power. One of my main goal is to encourage people to empower themselves.” I COULDN’T AGREE MORE!
We will be learning our Mission and reciting it each day once second semester comes:
At May-Port CG our Mission is C.L.E.A.R and every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT.
On the Lunch Menu today:
Mixed Vegetables
Cottage Cheese
Daily Activities:
3:00 MaSU Football Team speaking to MS 7:00-9:00pm FBLA Haunted House Fundraiser @ Portland School Quiet Friday! Enjoy your weekend. BE SAFE!
Daily Reminders:
The following football players need to get their missing equipment turned in as soon as possible. Jordan Sherva, Jacob Strand, Lucas Fugleberg, Carlos Lopez, Jake Hutter, Nolan Wangler, and Joe Clagg. Thank you.
Students driving in the school parking lot! You MUST drive carefully and SLOW DOWN! Be aware that if you are caught driving recklessly you will lose your driving privileges.
Seniors! Community Service Vouchers are due for November by the end of the day on today! Remember, you must have 3 hours total between community and school.
The May-Port CG Boys BB program online store is open until November 8th, 2019. Please go to bsnsports.com and go to the "Team Shop" tab. Please provide the following code: MAYPORTBBB to access the store. The two items we want each player to have from 7th grade through 12th is the "BSN SPORTS PHENOM LS T-SHIRT" in navy as this will be our warm-up (customization is optional) and one of the hoodies, sweatshirts or travel jackets in navy as we are requiring each player to travel in khaki pants and a navy blue sweatshirt/hoody/travel jacket - if athletes have these items from years past that still fit, the athlete can wear them again. Reminder, the store closes on November 8th, 2019. For further questions, please email Coach Edwards at edwardsbasketballacademy@outlook.com.
The May-Port CG Girls BB online store is also open now! Please go to bsnsports.com and go to the "Team Shop" tab. Please provide the following code: MAYPORTGBB to access the store. The store closes Nov 8th, 2019.
Northern Lights FCA Group meeting this Sunday! We will be leaving from the school at 4:00 PM. Bring money for supper!
LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!! Feed My Starving Children is coming back to the Mayville Armory on Nov, 22-23. Go to FMSC.org to register as an individual, family or group. You can also go to FMSC.org to donate as we need to raise $22,000 to pack these meals. We need volunteers as well as donations. $88 feeds a child for a year. Not everyone can afford the time or the money to go on a mission trip--make this your mission.
Riverwatch was postponed. Stay tuned for an update.
The Girls Basketball Parent Meeting has been moved to 6:30 PM in the HS Library for Nov 5th. The Boys Hockey Parent Meeting remains at 7:30 PM on Nov 5th but has been moved to the Ice Arena. Contact the office with any questions!
Softball players! We are offering a Softball Pitching Clinic to girls ages 5-18 every Sunday 6:30-8:30 PM at the Mayville Armory. Beginners session is at 6:30 PM. Returners session is at 7:30 PM. Instructors are Tracy McGillis (701-430-1809) and MSU pitcher Shaye Kemball. Please text if you have any questions.
Friday Early Release Incentive: This is for students in grades 9-12. They need permission forms for early dismissal. Every Friday I will go through and mark any students who has received any of the following: Tardys, Office Referrals, Ineligibilities, Listed on the RCI list. If students have any one of these marked they will not be permitted to leave PPT time early on Fridays. I will run this report at 9:00 Friday morning. I will not take ANY CHANGES after NOON Friday! You must check into your PPT PRIOR TO LEAVING!
Detention Room/Detention Duty:
Mrs. Hanson