MPCG School Wide Literacy Initiative
All Students MUST have reading materials with them at all times.
This includes:
NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES (Kindle, Cell Phone, ChromeBook, Nook)
Mrs. Blotsky will come over the intercom and announce “it is now Quiet Reading time” and the entire building (including teachers) will stop what they are doing and take out their reading material and begin reading. This will be approximately 5-10 minutes a day. This will take pace on a rolling schedule as to not take too much time out of any one period.
*****If you are testing in a class period. Please skip quiet reading that day.
Every student will be given a sign for their locker/outside their classroom
This sign will have your book’s title and author.
Please choose a hashtag for the genre/topic you are reading (#humor, #sports, #romance etc.)
Please turn this into the office for an incentive once you finish reading your novel.
This incentive is for NOVELS only!
If a student does NOT have one of the three appropriate items for quiet reading he/she will write a 1-page essay on the importance of reading in our daily lives. This is due at the end of quiet reading or you will automatically serve an after school detention.
Mrs. Blotsky will put out a schedule of quiet reading times in the weekly e-mail on Sunday nights.
Please have your reading material with you in class on November 12, 2019.