Daily Announcements MPCG - Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Encouraging thought of the day:
Thank you to the FFA for putting on Hats for Hunter yesterday! They raised over $400 and his family was very appreciative! Great job last night Patriots! Girls and Boys represented MPCG well!
Please say our MISSION with me:
At May-Port CG our Mission is C.L.E.A.R and every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT.
On the Lunch Menu today:
Hamburger Tomato Hotdish
Mandarin Oranges
Daily Activities:
GBB 4pm @ PBJ
JH GBB - no practice
BBB 4pm @ HS
JH BBB - no practice
BH 4pm
GH 4:15pm
Wrestling 6:00am
Cheer - no practice
Daily Reminders:
NO MAKING PAPER AIRPLANES out of sticky notes and sticking them to the ceilings in the classrooms. No more!! I see them all over the school. It is not ok!
Middle School After School Program will be held today from 3:30-4:30 with Mr. Nelson.
SENIORS: Your Community Service hours are due by 4:00 on Friday, Jan 31st!
Students who are 16 and older and interested in lifeguarding at the Mayville Water Park this summer, please contact Mrs. Torgeson to get more information.
SnoBall Week will be Feb 3-7! The High School days will be as follows *Please note changes*:
Monday: Glow In the Dark Dodgeball 1st Hour / Pajama Day
Tuesday: Miss North Dakota Assembly 3rd Hour / Class Color Day (Teachers: Black,Seniors: Green, Juniors: Pink, Sophomores: Yellow, Freshman: Blue)
Wednesday: 3 on 3 Basketball 2nd Hour / Barnyard vs. Boujee (Country vs. City)
Thursday: Speak Out 6th Hour / Future Job Day
Friday: Lip Sync or Finish the Lyric 7th hour / College Day. For the Lip Sync contest, we need 6-8 teams and you must sign up with Mrs. T by Thursday Common Time.
The Middle School days will be as follows:
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Teacher/Student Swap Day (Teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers-They would like you to participate)
Wednesday: Backwards Inside Out Day
Thursday: Future Job Day
Friday: Team Day
*They will play in a dodgeball during their lunch/recess times that week. They will also participate in the Lip Sync Contest on Friday.
The Snoball Dance will be February 8th, and the theme is Glow in the Dark / casual! Dance will be from 9:00-12:00am for Grades 9-12 and admission will be $5 / person.
Musical practice this week: Wednesday - no practice, Thursday 6:45 AM and Friday 7 AM.
Any Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the WorkKeys test, please email Mrs. Torgeson by Monday, February 3 to get on the list.
Speech team - please sign up on the board by Thursday at 5:00pm if you plan to attend the Northwood meet!
Detention Room/Detention Duty:
Mr. Sola