
The safety of the children at PBJ is our primary concern.  Many factors are taken into consideration when deciding if the weather is nice enough for students to be outdoors for recess.  Actual temperature, wind speed and wind chill are all considered before the students are allowed outdoors.  Recesses may be shortened in response to cold temperatures.

Cold or the flu?

We have been seeing more sickness at PBJ and the Middle School/High School this week and confirmed cases of influenza (flu). Sometimes it might be confusing to know what is going on as the common cold and the flu have similar symptoms. Here are a few things to consider if someone isn’t feeling well in your home.

                                                 Cold                  Flu

Onset…………………….    Gradual            Abrupt

Fever…………………    Not Common      Common

Aches…………………….     Slight            Common

Chills………………….     Uncommon       Common

Fatigue/Weakness……    Sometimes          Usually

Sneezing ………………    Sometimes     Not Common

Congestion …………….    Common        Sometimes

Sore Throat …………….    Common        Sometimes

Headache ………………   Sometimes        Common


Both of these conditions are caused by a virus and antibiotics will not help. Tamiflu might be prescribed if you see your health care provider. Rest, fluids and over-the-counter medications will help symptoms and expect symptoms to last anywhere between 3-10 days. Students need to stay home with flu symptoms and may return to school when they have been free of fever for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

     Kari Satrom, RN – School Nurse

We Collect…..

For 22 years, PBJ has been collecting Boxtops for Education. Families clip the specific coupons that are found on Hanes apparel, General Foods cereals, Ziploc containers, Green Giant vegetables, Yoplait Yogurt, Betty Crocker products, Kleenex and Scott paper products, Land O Lakes dairy products, Avery office products, Nature Valley Snacks, and Hefty bags and tableware. The coupons are being discontinued but for the time-being, they will still accept the coupons. The option for the future involves scanning your receipts with a Box Tops App on your phone. We can submit boxtops twice yearly. Our fall submission raised $204.90. Our next submission is due by March 1st so we will be mailing coupons in by the last week in February. Please send the boxtops you have been collecting so we can submit them in February. For more information about using the Box Tops App, please see the Boxtops web site. The address is

We also collect Our Family UPC codes…the codes from ANY Our Family product. The codes are worth between 5 cents and 10 cents each, depending on if we have a bonus coupon. The UPC codes have no expiration date.

We collect both items year-round. THANK YOU to everyone who supports our school in this way!!

We use the funds to purchase items that would not be in our regular budget or for special projects.

The Campbell’s Soup company no longer accepts labels or UPC codes for schools so you no longer need to collect those for our school.

PBJ welcomed a special guest to our school on Tuesday, February 4th. Miss North Dakota, Miss Haley Wolfe from Carrington, North Dakota spoke to students about “Finding your support system.” We thank Miss North Dakota for her message and her visit.

Please remember that if your child is running a temperature of 100 degrees or more, they need to stay home from school until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.

If the May-Port CG District schools need to call off school or will have to start late, parents will be contacted by our automated calling system. Please make sure we have your current phone number so that we can reach you.