Parents/Guardians of students grades 6-12:
Spring is coming, Spring is coming! That means that we are gearing up for our Student-Led Parent/Teacher Conferences. This is the first time I am experiencing the student-led format of conferences, and I am so excited for you all to take part in what your students are doing at MPCG!
You will be scheduling a time to come in to meet with your student’s Common Time teacher. This is a teacher who your student has at the end of every school day, from 3:00-3:30. Common Time is your student’s “home”. Their Common Time teacher has formed a personal relationship with them. The Common Time teacher knows your students in a way that perhaps other teachers and staff wouldn’t.
You will be able to schedule a time either March 26 or April 2 to come in and have your student present to you their Personal Education Portfolio. Your student’s Common Time teacher will be in touch with you about scheduling. Below you will find the information that will be included in your student’s Portfolio. This is something your student will be working on diligently during their Common Time until March 23, when they will deliver their presentation to their Common Time teacher to be sure that it is ready to be presented to YOU!
Like I said, I am so excited about the opportunity for our students to take part in the making of their own personal portfolios as well as have time to sit down with YOU and their Common Time teacher. Please let your student know how eager you are to see their work and to explore their goals, ambitions, interests, and so many other fun things!
If you have any questions or concerns about student-led conferences, please reach out to me and let me know how I can help. Please make EVERY POSSIBLE EFFORT to be in attendance. Our goal at MPCG is to partner with our student’s parents/guardians so that we are able to form that successful tripod (Student, School, and Family).
Mrs. Blotsky
MPCG Principal