
Daily Announcements MPCG - Date:  Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Encouraging thought of the day:   “Transforming your habits doesn’t mean making huge, dramatic, sweeping overnight changes. All you need to do is do little things differently each day.”  Jeff Haden

Please say our MISSION with me:

At May-Port CG our Mission is C.L.E.A.R and every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT. 

On the Lunch Menu today: 

Hamburger/Tomato Hotdish
Teddy Grams
Fruit Cup

Daily Activities:

BBB 4pm @ HS
JH BBB 4pm @ PBJ
Cheer 4pm @ Armory
Track 4pm 
Speech 4:15pm

Daily Reminders:

Middle School students - reminder you are not allowed in the Middle School until 8:00.  Please stay in the HS Commons until that time!

Prom sign-up is available in the office. 

Junior Bank Board meets this Thursday, February 27th at 7:30 AM in the Mayville office.

There will be a Softball meeting for parents and students in Grades 7-12 on Sunday, March 1st at 6:00PM in the High School Auditorium.  

REMINDER: 8th Grade Scrubs Camp will be this Wednesday, February 26th! 

Seniors: Your school community service for this month will be completed tomorrow, February 26 at 3:00-3:30. I will be sending you an email with your assignment. This month’s theme is Health and Wellness. Be on the lookout for more information. Thank you! 

The MayPort Community Club is searching for a volunteer or two to be the Easter Bunny at the Easter Bunny Bash on Sunday, March 29 from 1-4 at the Mayville Armory. This would be a great community service opportunity! For more information please call or text Meghan Hovde: 701-430-9192.

SENIORS: The Mayville Fire Department is looking for volunteers to help in the evening on Saturday, March 14th with their fundraising meal and raffle drawings.  Please contact Aaron Lande for more information: 701-430-1790. Thank you!

The May-Port CG NASP Archery Team invites you to their Spaghetti Feed!  Held March 1st from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM at the Norseman Hall in Portland, ND.  A free will offering will be taken and all proceeds will go to help the team with equipment purchases. There will also be a 50/50 raffle drawing! We hope to see you there.

Junior Post Prom is selling assorted Country Meats beef sticks! They are only a $1! They will be available every morning from 8-8:30. Juniors come see Mrs. Satrom about selling opportunities. 

Play practice this week: Tuesday 6:45 AM Scenes 1-4, Wednesday 7:00 AM Advertisers, and Thursday 6:45 AM Scenes 5-end.

Detention Room/Detention Duty:  Mr. Connick