Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Monday, March 2, 2020
Encouraging thought of the day:
The MPCG Speech team competed at the Barnes County Meet on Saturday, Feb. 29th. MPCG placed 1st with 83 points out of 16 schools. Individual results are as follows:
Piper Lindaas - 8th in Humorous Duo, 6th in Entertain
Kristin Weaver - Top Novice in Serious Duo, Top Novice Humorous Duo
Emma Dockter - Top Novice in Humorous Duo
Emily Norstebon- 8th in Humorous Duo, 5th in Persuade, Top Novice in Serious Duo
Oliver Marquardt - 7th in Serious Duo
Hailey Berg - 6th in EPR
Teri Nelson - 8th in Serious Duo, 7th in Radio, 5th in Humorous Duo
Reagan McGillis - 5th in Serious Duo, 4th in Serious
Ava Nelson- 8th in Serious Duo, 3rd in Radio
Zoe Agnes - 7th in Humorous, 3rd in Serious
Alexis Morowski - 5th in Serious Duo, 2nd in Humorous
Malena Twedt- 7th in Serious Duo, 5th in Humorous Duo, 3rd in Storytelling, 1st in Radio, State Qualifying
Lily Moch- 3rd in Poetry, 1st in Serious, State Qualifying
Please say our MISSION with me:
At May-Port CG our Mission is C.L.E.A.R and every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT.
On the Lunch Menu today:
Chicken Nuggets
Daily Activities:
BBB 4pm @ HS
Cheer 4pm @ Armory
Track 4pm
Daily Reminders:
Seniors- please check your emails today for a list of students who DO NOT have privileges this week. Also- reminder to share your portfolio with your common time teachers.
CLEAR awards are due to Mrs. Blotsky by Wednesday at 4:00. If you wish to nominate a staff member please fill out a nomination form and a post-card. We will have the February CLEAR awards assembly on Thursday at 3:00
Middle School After School program will be held today with Mr. Nelson from 3:30-4:30.
Reminder - There is an open gym for 5th - 8th grade boys basketball from 3:30 to 5:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at PBJ.
We have MPCG Water Bottles for sale in the office! Colors are red, blue or gray with a movable dial to track your intake. Price is $20, and checks can be made to MPCG Post Prom. See Mr. Bradner in the offce or Mrs. Bradner at PBJ. Limited amount so act soon!!
Prom sign-up is available in the office.
Mayville State University will again be hosting the STEM Carnival on April 18th from 10:00-1:00! Any high school students interested in earning some cash for helping with the carnival may contact Jeni Peterson: jeni.peterson@mayvillestate.edu.
The MayPort Community Club is searching for a volunteer or two to be the Easter Bunny at the Easter Bunny Bash on Sunday, March 29 from 1-4 at the Mayville Armory. This would be a great community service opportunity! For more information please call or text Meghan Hovde: 701-430-9192.
SENIORS: The Mayville Fire Department is looking for volunteers to help in the evening on Saturday, March 14th with their fundraising meal and raffle drawings. Please contact Aaron Lande for more information: 701-430-1790. Thank you!
Play practice this week: Monday 7:00 AM Scene 3 (memorized), and Tuesday 6:45 AM Scene 7 (memorized), and Wednesday 7:00 AM Scenes 2, 4, and 6.
Detention Room/Detention Duty:
Mrs. Connick