April Update

An Update from Mrs. Blotsky April 4, 2020

May-Port CG Grades 6-12 Students and Student Families;

Welcome to April! Over the past few weeks I have been collecting different questions and inquiries from students and parents and I wanted to send you a ‘Memo’ with frequently asked questions and situations families and students are finding themselves in.  

First- I want to thank you for your patience! I know this is all new. This is new to our learners, but this is also very new to our teachers, paras, tech coordinator, and office staff, among so many others at MPCG! I keep saying, ‘iron sharpens iron’ and this situation will sharpen us all as leaders, teachers, learners, and families. Thank you for your continued patience, effort, and trust that you have in us at MPCG.  

At this time, everyone in grades 6-8 should have received Schoology information in your mailboxes on a blue sheet of paper. If you HAVE NOT received a BLUE SHEET with Schoology login information, PLEASE contact the main office. 

TECHNOLOGY: All students in grades 6-12 have been contacted and informed about internet access and access to technology. All students SHOULD now have access to the internet (if possible), and to technology. If you are in need of more than one laptop due to multiple children in the home using Schoology, please contact Mr. David Torgeson, our Technology Coordinator. 

SCHOOLOGY: All students in grade 6-12 (UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE) must login to SCHOOLOGY daily. Schoology is still working out kinks in their system now that a large percentage of the country is also using this as an online learning platform. Please have patience with our learning platform. If you visit our website, on the top left-hand side of the screen you will see a section for “Schoology Performance” this will allow you to see if Schoology is having any issues which may explain why you aren’t able to get on, submit assignments, etc. Please CHECK this section of our website, PRIOR to reaching out to Mr. Torgeson for help. 

PACKETS: Students in grades 6-8; Weekly packets will still be the expectation. We are aware that Schoology is new to MOST of you and we are going to give you time to get acquainted with this new online learning platform. Please continue to come weekly to pick-up information regarding your classes and classwork. THESE PACKETS WILL HAVE WITHIN THEM A COVER SHEET EXPLAINING THE WORK AND A PACING GUIDE. If either of these are unclear, please EMAIL the teacher with any questions. DUE TO DISTRIBUTION DAY FALLING ON GOOD FRIDAY NEXT WEEK, APRIL 10, OUR DISTRIBUTION WILL BE MOVED TO THURSDAY, APRIL 9 NOT GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 10.

ATTENDANCE: Please encourage your students to REACH OUT daily to their COMMON TIME TEACHER. This teacher is collecting daily attendance for your child. This teacher will make every effort possible to reach out to your child, but if your child is not contacted, they will be marked ABSENT for that day. If your child is ILL, please call the main office to EXCUSE them for that day of learning. 

SCHEDULE: I encourage you to set a DAILY schedule with your child at home. I have been hearing that some families are working from 8:00am to 7:00pm. THIS IS NOT IDEAL! It is important that your student is working with a daily “school” schedule if at all possible. This may be 10:00-12:00, 3:00-5:00, or 5:00-7:00 for example. Whatever works best for your family. This schedule should include break times, lunch time, and end time, etc. Please have your student report this daily schedule to their COMMON TIME teacher. Have fun with it, perhaps your child can make a fun colorful schedule of their own independent school day! Let your child be a part of making this daily schedule, if you need support during this, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s Common Time Teacher. Your child’s teacher has been instructed to include a WEEKLY pacing guide for each subject area. Please use these PACING GUIDES when making your child’s weekly schedule. 

HOMEWORK: I have been getting many questions about “how-to” when handing in homework. A one size fits all model is not going to work for this, and we understand that. If your child grades 6-12 has packets or physical homework to hand-in we urge you to utilize the scheduled distribution day and time for each family. If this is not possible, you may take a photo of your child’s homework and email it their teacher, you may also send it in via their Schoology course page. If you have questions on how to hand-in homework via Schoology, please contact Mr. Torgeson. 

COMMUNICATION: I cannot express to you more how important communication is during this time of learning. PLEASE if you have ANY questions reach out and communicate. Below you will find a list of areas for communication and who to communicate with. 


                        Call/Email Mr. David Torgeson

                                    Chromebook questions

                                    Schoology questions

                                    Video questions

                                    Email questions

            Attendance Questions:

                        Email Common Time Teacher

                        Call/Email the MPCG High School Office

                        Call/Email Mrs. Blotsky 

            Lunch Questions:

                        Call/Email the MPCG High School Office

                                    Press extension 296 and leave a message 

            Distribution Questions/Concerns:

                        Call/Email the MPCG High School Office

                        Call/Email Mrs. Blotsky 

            Literacy/Library Questions:

                        Call/Email Miss Giesinger 

                                    Audio Books/Magazines/Newspapers, etc.

 Teacher Office Hours:

            Teachers will hold specific office hours when they will be able to respond IMMEDIATELY to a student need or concern. This will be a time for 1:1 video conference, phone calls, text messages, Schoology help, etc. This is not a teacher’s class-time, this is when a teacher will be available for immediate EXTRA HELP. Always feel free to reach out AT ANYTIME and someone will get back to you. Teacher office hours are set aside for IMMEDIATE HELP.


Office Hours:

Mrs. Blotsky

6-12 Principal




Mr. Marquardt


Mrs. Kieffer


Mrs. Satrom


Mrs. Allen


Mrs. Verwest


Mrs. Capouch


Miss Geisinger


Mrs. Strand



Mrs. Andersson


By Appt. Only

Mrs. Hanson




Mr. Nelson


Mr. Sola


Mrs. Kitchen


Mr. Nistler


Miss Ogburn


Mrs. Connick


Mr. Hanson



Mr. Kunkel



Mrs. Johnson


Mr. Connick


Mrs. Gapp


Mrs. Kunkel




6-12 Front Office



Mr. Torgeson




Mrs. Torgeson

6-12 Counselor


Anytime by Appt. 



Again, thank you for your patience and understanding. Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R and I believe that we are TRULY living out our Mission each day during this new learning adventure. 

Stay positive and stay healthy! We are here for you if you need anything. We know how important communication is to all of you!


If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out!


Mrs. Blotsky

MPCG Middle/High School Principal