Happy Retirement Mr. Houdek!
Mr. Houdek is a native of Grafton, ND. He graduated from Mayville State College in 1984. He taught fourth grade in Oakes, ND and Finley, ND for two years each. He spent 9 years in Devils Lake teaching 5th and 6th grade. He received his Master's Degree from the University of North Dakota in 1999. Mr. Houdek has been with the MPCG School District for 16 years. His wife, Cindy, teaches first grade at PBJ. They have three grown sons and 4 grandchildren. In his spare time he likes to garden, golf, grill and spend time with family. He has enjoyed his time with the MPCG family very much. It has been a great place to spend the last years of his educational career.