Last day of School


You made it! 

I am so proud of each of your accomplishments this school year. It has been an adventure, and you all owe yourselves a round of applause, PARENTS TOO! Thank you to all parents, families, siblings, etc. who stepped in and helped guide your student to success through this trying pandemic and distance learning. We couldn't have done it without you!

I want to say thank to all of our teachers for providing our students with a great school year. We are blessed to have the educators that we have with us day-in and day-out; our teachers were forced to completely change the way they do education, and they EXCELLED, as I knew they would! 

I also want to give a big thank you to all those who make MPCG what it is every day! Thank you to our Paraprofessionals, who stepped up in a HUGE way and helped with our weekly distribution during this time of distance learning. Also, our kitchen staff, and our maintenance and janitorial staff who continue to work daily on behalf of our student body and our community members! Our school has looked BEAUTIFUL all year long, and that is all in thanks to a wonderful group of people!

Thank you to our students, you each stepped up and took on a task that was so foreign to you. I believe all of you have learned so many new skills that you will carry with you throughout the rest of your education and life. I commend you for the hard-work you put in, the collaboration you maintained with your teachers, and the self-responsibility you took on.

Last but not least, CONGRATULATIONS to our graduating class of 2020! Though these times are not ideal, and we are in uncharted territory; you accomplished your goal. I encourage you each to reflect on your school year and the adversity you have had to overcome. I hope you smile when you think about your days at MPCG!

It has been an honor to be your MPCG Middle/High School Principal this school year. Thank you for having me and including me in this community. The community of MPCG is really spectacular and I am so excited to be a part of it for the long-haul! We will continue to do great things at MPCG with each and every one of you. I look forward to the future!

Just a reminder, please make sure all MPCG materials, technology, etc. is handed in by 1:00pm today. Also- please remember to come in and clean out your lockers. Thank you for returning everything and leaving our building the way we found it.

Stay safe and I will see you in the Fall! 


Mrs. Blotsky, 

May-Port CG Middle/High Principal