The MPCG Booster Club is hosting its annual Turkey Dinner - Drive Through Style! - on October 25th. The turkey dinner is a major fundraiser for the booster club which benefits many teams and groups at MPCG. We are asking for families of MPCG students to donate an apple or pumpkin pie or two for the dinner. Pies may be dropped off on Oct. 24th, time to be determined. If baking is not your thing, please feel free to purchase a pie (we ask it be thawed or cooked at drop off) or donate $10 and we will purchase a pie for you. Any monetary donations may be brought to the high school office by Wednesday, Oct. 22nd in an envelope marked Turkey Dinner pie donation, or to Tiffany Moen or Katie Richards. Thanks so much for your support of the MPCG Booster Club. If you have any further questions please contact Tiffany Moen at 701-430-1537. Please click on the link below to sign up:
MPCG Booster Club Pie Donation
October 20, 2020