
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Thursday, March 25th

Encouraging thought of the day: 

“The more you give away the happier you become.”  -Unknown

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Breakfast Burrito
Apple muffin/Applesauce

Daily Activities: 

Track practice 3:45 @ HS
Baseball practice 6am @ HS 
JH baseball practice 6:30am @ HS
Softball practice 4:00 @ HS/PBJ 
JH softball 3:45 @ HS

Daily Reminders:

On Wednesday, March 31, sophomores and juniors are invited to an informational meeting for Close Up, an educational trip to Washington, DC with Mr. Kunkel, in the Spring of 2022.  The meeting will be held at 2:00pm in the auditorium.  

There is Friday Early Release Incentive this week for grades 9-12. 6-8 grade will be able to earn an incentive as well. 

Dual Credit paperwork is in the office for next Fall. Once you have it filled out please bring it to Mrs. Blotsky. These are due May 1. 

It’s still March! Keep reading and recording those pages! The class who reads the most pages will win an ice cream party at the end of the month!

Anyone interested in doing stats for the baseball team, please contact Mr. Kunkel!

Softball photos have been moved to today after school at 4 PM.

Prom Decorating began yesterday. Reminder the gym will be closed for the rest of the week. 

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Luther Memorial Home is looking for individuals to become Certified Nursing Aides and Transport Aides.  Classes start next Monday, March 29th.  See the bulletin board by Mrs. Strand’s room for more information.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Clifford Elevator is looking for someone to work in the Agronomy Department/General Laborer if you are interested contact Barry at 701-430-3971

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: *The MayPort Community Club is searching for volunteers for their drive through Easter event this Sunday, March 28. Volunteers will hand out treat bags to families (while wearing a mask and bunny ears). Shifts are 12:30-2 and 2-3:30. Anyone interested can contact Meghan Hovde for more questions or to volunteer.  

The sign-up for Driver’s Ed is now available outside of the office.  SIGN UP WILL BE TAKEN DOWN TOMORROW. Classes are tentatively scheduled to start the first week of June.  You must have your permit prior to classes starting to attend Driver’s Ed. The cost is $175 for any May-Port CG student entering High School, or $300 for any other eligible student, payable to May-Port CG.  Payment is due by the first day of class. See Mrs. Strand with any questions!

Prom Tickets: Grand March is open to the public- Tickets are $3 per person. They can be purchased in the office until the end of the day Friday and will be sold at the door on Saturday starting at 6:45. Seating will be available in the Auditorium and the Gymnasium. Grand March will be live-streamed. 

Jr High Track starts today!! 

Prom picture order forms are available outside of the office!

Drumline will meet next Monday at 2:25.

FBLA Members:  Don’t forget if you are interested in becoming a 2021-2022 Local Chapter Officer, stop by and see Mrs. Strand or Mr. T. today!  Voting will take place next week during our state leadership conference. 

Detention: Mrs. Johnson