May-Port CG Families and Friends:
Spring Fever is in full force! Our kiddos are ready to be outside in the sunshine and beautiful weather! With the Spring comes so many fun things, Spring baseball, softball, golf, track, and of course GRADUATION! With all this fun we can’t help but be reminded of where we were a year ago; at home, dealing with distance learning, missing out on our Spring activities, and wondering how we would put together a social distanced graduation. With that being said, numbers for Covid-19 are rising in our state and in our county. We ask that you as family and friends of our Patriots do all you can to keep us safe, keep us in school, and help us to enjoy all the things Spring has to offer us! Please be masking, social distancing, and encouraging your kiddos to do the same. We know that covid-fatigue is upon us and that we want “normalcy” back; which is why, now more than ever, we have to respect the measures in place to keep us safe and in school. Your students met with Mrs. Satrom and MPCG Administration this morning to discuss the risks of not appropriately wearing masks, social distancing, and sanitizing. We know this is redundant, as the kiddos have been doing great all year, but with the uptick in cases we wanted to give our kiddos and staff a friendly reminder of what we have been working so hard to achieve and that is a FULL year of IN-PERSON learning. So we ask you to please help us by masking, social distancing when possible, and staying home if you are feeling ill.
Thank you for your understanding and help in this matter.
Mrs. Blotsky,
May-Port CG Principal