Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Friday, April 9
Encouraging thought of the day:
“Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did. Let it go.”
Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!
Every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return.
Lunch Menu:
Chicken Nuggets
Daily Activities:
Track meet @ MPCG 3pm dismiss 2pm
JH Track practice 3:30 @ HS
Baseball practice 4:00 @ HS
JH Baseball practice 4:00 @ HS
Softball practice 4:00 @ HS
JH Softball practice 4:00 @ HS
Boys Golf practice 4pm @ course
Girls Golf practice 4pm @ course
Saturday 4/10- Speech @ Region meet in Grafton/ bus leaves @ 7:15
Daily Reminders:
MPCG FBLA is sponsoring a dance tonight from 7 pm until 9 pm in the middle school commons. Cost is $5 per person. Only May-Port CG students will be allowed to attend..
Next Monday, April 12th FCCLA members are invited to attend our STAR Project Ceremony in Fargo! ALL members are invited to attend. We will leave at 11:00 and will return around 3:00. We will eat lunch at Doolittles and celebrate all the great things our organization has accomplished this year! Please wear your FCCLA Shirt and jeans. If you cannot find your FCCLA shirt, please let Mrs. Capouch or Miss Ogburn know ASAP! See you all then!
A Book & Puzzle Donation Drive is being held for the Portland Child Development Program! Drop off new or gently used books & puzzles appropriate for infants-preschoolers! Drop off locations include the High School Office, Mayville Dollar General, Portland CDP, and the MaSU Education Offices. Donations accepted now through April 23rd. Thank you in advance!
Don’t forget to order your 20-21 Yearbook! Yearbook orders are taken through the end of May. Get your name on the list today! Cost is $35 payable in the office or online at eFunds.
Dual Credit paperwork is in the office for next Fall. Once you have it filled out please bring it to Mrs. Blotsky. These are due May 1.
Anyone interested in doing stats for the baseball team, please contact Mr. Kunkel!
JUNIORS: A great community service opportunity for this summer: We are looking for volunteers for our kids event at Summerfest on June 26th from 11am-3pm at the Portland Park. Contact Amanda at 701-430-9135 for more information! Reminder Juniors - you need to complete 10 hours of community service this summer to receive your senior privileges for August and September of next year.
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Clifford Elevator is looking for someone to work in the Agronomy Department/General Laborer. If you are interested contact Barry at 701-430-3971
There is a pair of glasses in the office, if you are missing some please check to see if they are yours.
Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the Region Music Contest yesterday. Out of 21 MPCG events, 7 received a One Rating, 14 received a Region STAR Rating, 8 of those stars received a STATE STAR Rating, and 2 events received an OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE - Grace Koshney, Malena Twedt and Elsie Twedt’s Trio, and Elsie Twedt also received Outstanding Performance on her baritone saxophone solo!
Detention: Mrs. Kitchen