
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Friday, April 23rd

Encouraging thought of the day: 

What kind of tree fits in your hand? A palm tree.

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Boat Pizza
Pasta Salad

Daily Activities: It’s game day!!!

Baseball @ Enderlin Tournament 12:00 dismiss 9:10 leave 9:20
**JH Softball @ HCV (Hillsboro) - POSTPONED to May 13th at 4:30
Speech @ Mandan dismiss 2:00pm
Girls Golf @ Casselton 


Track practice 3:45 
JH Track practice 3:45
JH Baseball practice 3:45 @ HS
**Softball practice 4:00 @ **HOCKEY ARENA
**Jr High Softball practice @ PBJ
Boys Golf practice 4:00 @ course

Saturday 4/24- 

State Speech @ Mandan 9:30
Baseball @ Enderlin Tournament 4:30 leave 1:50
Track @ HCV Invitational 11:00 leave 9:30

Congratulations to the baseball and softball teams on great wins yesterday!

Daily Reminders:

This morning we will have a photo taken of our STATE SPEECH participants right after announcements. Please come to the office at that time!

SENIORS: An information sheet has been sent home with important dates and times for your upcoming graduation! Please be on the lookout for that to arrive in the mail. A few reminders: 1.) If you need more than one flower for your parents at the graduation ceremony, please be sure to let Jess know in the next 2 weeks. 2.) Jostens is coming to distribute caps & gowns on Tuesday, April 27th, at 10:00am. This is mandatory but won’t take long. 3.) If you have not gotten your slideshow pictures to Mr. Torgeson, you need to do this ASAP. 

Dual Credit paperwork is in the office for next Fall. Once you have it filled out please bring it to Mrs. Blotsky. These are due May 1. 

Seniors scholarship opportunity:  The Nancy Jallo Scholarship application is now available. Any senior pursuing a degree in teaching, please stop by and see Mrs. Strand for an application ASAP!! Applications are due next Tuesday, April 27th.

Junior and Senior Boys: We have an informational poster by the office for the 2021 North Dakota Boys State - and a few pamphlets out on the table by the office. Check it out! It will be held June 13th-18th on the NDSCS campus in Wahpeton and will be open to both Junior and Senior boys this year. If you attend, it is eligible for one credit for HS Social Studies, and two participants each year receive an all-expense paid trip to attend Boys Nation in Washington, DC! See for more information!

JUNIORS: A great community service opportunity for this summer: We are looking for volunteers for our kids event at Summerfest on June 26th from 11am-3pm at the Portland Park. Contact Amanda at 701-430-9135 for more information!  Reminder Juniors - you need to complete 10 hours of community service this summer to receive your senior privileges for August and September of next year. 

A Book & Puzzle Donation Drive is being held for the Portland Child Development Program!  Drop off new or gently used books & puzzles appropriate for infants-preschoolers! Drop off locations include the High School Office, Mayville Dollar General, Portland CDP, and the MaSU Education Offices. Donations accepted now through Friday! Please consider donating. Thank you in advance!

FFA Members: State FFA Convention forms and money are due to Mrs. Kieffer by April 30th! State FFA Convention is open to all members in grades 7-12. Please see Mrs. Kieffer with any questions! 

Detention: Mrs. Kunkel