Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Friday, August 20, 2021
Encouraging thought of the day:
“Failure is success if we learn from it.” –Malcolm S. Forbes
Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!
Every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return.
Lunch Menu:
Corndogs *50¢ seconds
Scalloped Potatoes
Daily Activities:
Good luck to our Varsity Football boys who play Richland tonight at HOME at Jerome Berg Field at 7:00pm
Come out and support the MPCG Booster Club Football Tailgate Supper this evening before the Football game!
Good luck to our GIRLS GOLF team as Emma travels to HCV!
Daily Reminders:
Teachers- please check your email for updated information about lunch supervision.
GRADES 8-12 Lunch.
All students will be dismissed at 11:03.
Grades 10,11,12 will eat first at 11:03.
Grades 8 and 9 will eat second at 11:28.
While waiting to eat you are free to do the following:
Go to the Auditorium (Quiet Visiting, Phones, Chromebooks)
Go to the Library (Silent Work Time)
Go Outside to the Courtyard
Sit on the carpet in the Commons by the Lockers
Music Room 11:28-11:53
The gym will be closed today, but more information will be coming about how to use the gym during lunch!
PLEASE do not sit at the tables if it is not your time to eat as we have a lot of students who need to sit and we need to have time to clean tables between students. Thank you!
Just a reminder- you have a spray bottle in the classrooms, please be cleaning off desks before new students sit in them. Please practice safe social distancing as much as possible! Our goal is to stay in school. Remember, if covid numbers continue to climb we may have to make adjustments to our day to day at MPCG.
Dual Credit Students: Stop by the office and see Mrs. Blotsky. She has envelopes for you containing your information for your courses.
All Students: Please return any library books you currently have out. You cannot check anything out until all overdue books are returned. Regular library checkouts will start next week!
The football team is searching for people interested in taking video or doing starts for this season. If you are interested please talk to Mr. Sola as soon as possible.
Sunday at 4:00 pm the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be having a kickoff meeting starting with a kickball game at the Portland softball field. Later there will be a discussion on leadership and then supper around 6:00. Please sign up in the office. This is open for 7-12 graders involved in any extracurricular activities for this school year. If you have any questions contact Coach Dockter at 701-212-8288.
Anyone interested in helping with volleyball stats, please talk to Mrs. Hanson.
There is no junior high football practice today.
SCHEDULES: Please check PowerSchool for an updated schedule if you had issues yesterday or turned in drop/add slips yesterday. If your request was not approved, you should have received an email. Please have all drop/add requests turned in by NEXT FRIDAY.
Detention: Mrs. Blotsky - daily 3:40-4:00pm (MORNINGS WITH PERMISSION ONLY.)