Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Encouraging Thought of the Day:
“Just remember, once you’re over the hill you pick up speed!” -Arthur Schopenhauer
Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!
Every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return.
Lunch Menu:
Fish/Bun *50¢
Mac and Cheese
Mandarin Oranges
Daily Activities:
V FB 4:00pm
C/JV/V VB 3:45pm @HS
Cheer 4:00PM in Portland
XC 4:00PM
Daily Reminders:
Teachers and Students: Starting today we will be requiring the use of gloves at lunch time during the serving line. Please refrain from using your phone after you have gloves on!
Teachers- please check your email for updated information about lunch supervision.
GRADES 8-12 Lunch.
All students will be dismissed at 11:03.
Grades 10,11,12 will eat first at 11:03.
Grades 8 and 9 will eat second at 11:28.
While waiting to eat you are free to do the following:
Auditorium (Quiet Visiting, Phones, Chromebooks)-STAGE IS OFF LIMITS.
Library (Silent Work Time)
Outside to the Courtyard
Carpet in the Commons by the Lockers
Music Room 11:28-11:53
GYM/WEIGHT DECK Sign-up for the gym/weight deck. You will receive a sign-up genius in your emails to sign up for this. If you are going to sign up for the gym you MUST wear appropriate shoes and be using the gym/weight deck in an appropriate manner i.e. playing volleyball, shooting baskets, playing catch, lifting weights, etc. You may only use the gym DURING your scheduled time.
DO NOT pick the APPLES off the apple tree in the courtyard unless a teacher tells you otherwise!
Dual Credit Composition begins TODAY...
Dual Credit Students: Please check your envelopes for your plan of study. If it is incorrect, see Mrs. Blotsky ASAP. If you have not received an envelope, please let Mrs. Blotsky know.
Just a reminder- you have a spray bottle in the classrooms, please be cleaning off desks before new students sit in them. Please practice safe social distancing as much as possible! Our goal is to stay in school. Remember, if covid numbers continue to climb we may have to make adjustments to our day to day at MPCG.
SENIORS: Community Service Opportunity! Galesburg ND Community Park is looking for volunteers for the 1st Annual Pork Butt Competition on September 25, 2021. Please contact Nikki at (701) 430-9704 or Casey at (701) 650-8812 for more information.
The football team is searching for people interested in taking video or doing starts for this season. If you are interested please talk to Mr. Sola as soon as possible.
Anyone interested in helping with volleyball stats, please talk to Mrs. Hanson.
SCHEDULES: Please check PowerSchool for updated schedules from drop/add requests. These must be turned in by Friday, August 27th.