Middle School/High School Extended Absenteeism Expectations:
**If a student is going to be absent for an extended period (more than two days) please refer to the following expectations:
**The office will send an email to teachers asking for homework/books/materials etc. If any materials are needed at home, the office will notify the family and arrange for pick-up.
*All assignments will be posted on Schoology.
**Videos are NOT required. Any notes, pages, expectations, rubrics etc. will be posted on Schoology.
**The office will direct students to their Schoology pages to work on homework while they are absent.
**Students get two days for every day absent to make up their work. If this becomes an extended amount of time (more than 10 days) all teachers will come together and come up with a common due date for all late/missing work that is manageable for the student. For example: if a student is absent for 5 days- they have 10 school days to make up their work that was missed and complete test and quizzes.
**Students should hand in work on appropriate due dates or send homework back to school as it is completed at home.
**Students may email homework, drop homework off at the school, or hand-in homework through Schoology. Whichever method has been discussed with the teacher.
Please contact Mrs. Blotsky with any questions!