Yes, the new school year is nearly upon us! Classes begin Wednesday, August 22nd, at 8:30 with dismissal at 3:30. All school and community members are invited to attend the Welcome Back to School Celebration on Monday, August 20th. New this year, we will be holding separate Back to School nights at each respective school. Beginning promptly at 5:30 in each gym, messages will be given from each principal, and staff members will be introduced. There will be an opportunity for questions. The picnic will follow. There will be a picnic at each school. The meal and all utensils will be provided. All students and their parents are welcome to tour the school, and to find lockers, following the picnic. Student fees may be paid before or after the evening’s activities in the high school office. We look forward to seeing you!
School Begins August 22nd!
August 10, 2018