Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Welcome Back!! We’re looking forward to a great year!
Eating First Lunch this semester are Spanish, English 9, World History, and Accounting. Second Lunch – Study Hall, Applied Math, English 12, Advanced Math, and Physical Science. All Middle School Classes will eat Third Lunch.
Trainer Ben Carpenter will be at the school Tuesdays and Thursdays again this year at 11:30. His first day here will be tomorrow, August 23rd.
All School-to-Work students should meet in the Art Room at 3:05 today for a meeting. It is required that you attend.
Congratulations to Coach Sola and staff, all players and cheerleaders for starting off the 2018 season with a win against Larimore on Friday night!
Today’s menu is Corndogs, Baked Beans, Green Beans, Chips, and Pineapple.