
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Encouraging Thought of the Day:

Wednesday “Friday” Funny:

How do you make a skeleton laugh? 

Tickle it’s funny bone!

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Hamburgers 50¢ seconds
Hash Brown
Mandarin Oranges

Daily Activities:

*Congratulations to our Varsity Volleyball team as they won in 3 against Hatton-Northwood! Now onto the Region 2 Championship game!! We will play Thompson this Thursday at approximately 7:00pm in Northwood. We will run a FAN BUS on Thursday for the game, cost will be $5 per rider, you must sign up by the end of the day today, and payment is due when you sign up. The bus will leave at 6:00pm on Thursday. Please come see the office with any questions. 

V VB 3:35
Boys Hockey 4:00
Girls Hockey 3:45 @ Crookston
Wrestling 4:00 Portland
Cheer 6:15 Portland

Daily Reminders:

FCA Huddle will meet at coach Dockter’s house this coming Sunday. Meeting starts at 5:00 and supper will follow. Please text 701-212-8288 so we have enough food!

Overdue Library Books: Please remember to get your overdue library books returned to the library!

Girls Basketball Parent Meeting Grades 7-12 is scheduled for Sunday, Nov 14th at 6:00pm at the HS Auditorium. 

Jostens: Todd from Jostens will then return on Tuesday, November 13th from 10:45-11:30 to collect all the orders and payments from yesterday, as well as answer any questions you may have. 

Seniors - the class list with the spelling of all names is in the office.  Please be sure to verify the spelling of your name! This is what will get printed on your diploma. This is important!

Spring Dual Credit Students- you can find Dual Credit application information on the bulletin board. Remember, you MUST register for Spring courses. Please turn your paperwork into Mrs. Blotsky by December 1. 

The wrestling program is looking for a couple of stats people for the winter season.  If you are interested in becoming a wrestling stat or want more information please talk with Mr. Sola and he can get you in contact with Coach Mueller. 

Jr. High Girls: There is a sign-up sheet on Mrs. Kunkel’s door if you would like to play Jr. High Girl’s Basketball this year! The sign up will be available until Friday. See Mrs. Beck at PBJ with any questions!

FFA Members: Please get your totals entered online before the end of the day today. If you are having trouble, please see Mrs. Kieffer ASAP! 

All students planning to participate in winter activities must have their Ready To Play cards filled out and signed in order to start the first day of practice. Cards are available in the office.

Signup for Boy’s Basketball Cheerleading is still available! Any student in grades 7-12 is welcome to join! See Mrs. Kitchen to join!!

THIS  WEEK: Early Release TODAY 1:45pm, NO SCHOOL on Thursday & Friday, Nov 11 & Nov 12.



Detention: Ms. Ogburn *please go to Ms. Ogburn’s classroom*