
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2021

Encouraging Thought of the Day:

“No one who ever gave their best regretted it.” -George Halas

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Chicken Fajitas
Mixed Vegetables

Daily Activities:

Congratulations to our Middle School Music Department for putting on a GREAT concert last night!

GBB 4:00 PM @ HS
Boys Hockey 4:00
Wrestling 4:00 in Portland

Daily Reminders:

No Radiate Youth Group at Riverside E Free Church this week or next week!

10:00 today! Weekly eligibility- student’s please remember the missing work list counts towards remediation as well. Please check to see that all of your work is complete and handed in! 

The Traill County Health Unit will be offering Covid-19 vaccination clinics in Hillsboro and Portland for anyone ages 5 and up. Please see the Traill County Health Unit website for more information or call 701-636-4434. You must call ahead to reserve a dose.

TODAY  is National Prematurity Awareness Day.  MPCG FBLA partners with the March Of Dimes to raise awareness for this day.  The FBLA chapter would like to thank EVERYONE who wore purple today!

Tomorrow, November 18th, will be MPCG FBLA’s outing for the month!  Paid members can meet at the Delchar for a FREE 7 pm showing of the new Ghostbusters Movie.  Popcorn and drinks will be provided!  This is your last chance to pay your dues if you have not yet.  Dues are officially due on FRIDAY this week to the office!  If you have questions, see Mr. T or Mrs. Strand.

HO HO HO!  The FCCLA Greens are here!  FCCLA Members please plan to pick up your orders at the CAPOUCH house in Portland on Friday from 6pm to 8pm AND Saturday from 10am to Noon.  Come on over for hot chocolate, cookies and start your delivery!

FFA Members: There is a chapter FFA meeting TODAY at 3:00pm in the Auditorium. 

Spring Dual Credit Students- you can find Dual Credit application information on the bulletin board. Remember, you MUST register for Spring courses. Please turn your paperwork into Mrs. Blotsky by December 1.

Overdue Library Books: Please remember to get your overdue library books returned to the library!

Seniors - the class list with the spelling of all names is in the office.  Please be sure to verify the spelling of your name! This is what will get printed on your diploma. This is important!

The wrestling program is looking for a couple of stats people for the winter season.  If you are interested in becoming a wrestling stat or want more information please talk with Mr. Sola and he can get you in contact with Coach Mueller. 

All students planning to participate in winter activities must have their Ready To Play cards filled out and signed in order to start the first day of practice. Cards are available in the office.

Signup for Boy’s Basketball Cheerleading is still available! Any student in grades 7-12 is welcome to join! See Mrs. Kitchen to join!!


Detention: Mrs. Kunkel *please go to Mrs. Kunkel’s classroom*