May-Port CG T-Shirt Orders are being taken for our 2018 Homecoming week! Patriot Day will be Friday, September 21st for our Homecoming Football Game. Shirt cost is $15. This is a K-12 shirt order. You do not need to order a shirt. If you would like to order, order forms are on the table outside of the office. Please turn these in to the office with payment. Orders are due by Monday, September 10th. Parents may order as well!
One Act Play auditions will be held today at 7:00 am and at 3:45 pm, and again tomorrow, September 6th at 7:00 am. You only need to attend one audition time. Any questions, see Mrs. Agnes.
There will be a middle school student council meeting today @ 3:05 in Mrs. M. Johnson's room.
Reminder - the first FBLA meeting will be held today during Patriot Pride Time in the auditorium.
Boys and girls in grades 7-12 who participated in the Dribbling and Shooting Club Challenge – please turn your forms into the office!
Any students participating in soccer, please ride Bus 16 to the hockey arena.
FCCLA membership week is next week! Your $30 dues cover the local fees, the District 3 Leadership Meeting and lunch, and a T-shirt! Pay your dues and become a member before the rush! Forms in the FACS room, pay your $30 to the office! Become a member TODAY!
Juniors and sophomores will be given the opportunity to participate in taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 10th. The PSAT serves as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship, which honors the top 2% of students in the country. The test measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills and writing skills. Only juniors qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. There is a $16 testing fee. Students planning to register for the test should bring a check to Mr. Varriano made out to MPCG. The deadline to register is September 7th.
SENIORS: We still need two volunteers to sell 50/50 tickets for Dollars for Scholars for the home volleyball game tomorrow. This earns you credit towards an extra Dollars for Scholars Scholarship in the Spring. Please help out and sign up!
Congrats to the Varsity, JV, and 7th grade volleyball teams, and the Jr High Football team on their victories yesterday! Way to go Patriots!
Juniors and Seniors: You are required by the state of ND to have 2 meningitis vaccinations. This is a new requirement as of this year. You will be notified by email if you are missing the second vaccination. Please be checking your email. Everyone will receive notification by 3pm today.
Today’s menu is Hamburger Tomato Hotdish, Green Beans, Cookie and Juice.