The entire high school student body will be meeting in the auditorium at 9:10 this morning.
FCCLA is looking for a few great members ... that would be YOU! Pick up a member form in the FACS room and pay your $30 dues to the office. Treats for membership this week only!
If you are interested in ordering a Patriots Lettermen's Jacket, Joe from Gerrells will NOT be at the high school during lunch today. We will update the calendar when this is rescheduled.
FCA will be sponsoring a soccer event next Wednesday September 19 at 7:00 PM at the hockey arena for students in grades 9-12. Lloyd Arnegard will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome!
Students involved in extra-curricular activities, please sign up to work the Booster Club Turkey Dinner, October 14. This is a great community service opportunity. See Mrs. Strand to sign up!!
Class Meetings will be this morning for the high school grades only during 3rd period. 9th grade will meet in Mrs. Hanson’s room; 10th grade will meet in the Music Room; 11th grade will meet in the Auditorium; and 12th grade will meet in Mrs. Strand’s room.
Coronation practice will be at 8:00 AM Monday morning in the Auditorium. Attendance by honor escorts and the Homecoming Court is mandatory.
2018 Homecoming week is next week! **The activities on Tuesday and Thursday have changed hours. Please see below:
Monday: PJ Day- Egg Toss, Tug of War, Relay Race (2nd hour)
Tuesday: Nerd vs. Jock Day- PowderPuff Football (**3rd hour)
Wednesday: UND vs. NDSU Day- Kickball (5th hour)
Thursday: Beach vs. Winter Day - PowerBuff Volleyball (**1st hour)
Friday: Patriot Pride Day- Pep Rally
Each class will receive points for percentage of students dressed up AND for placing in the activities. Show your Patriot Pride! The winning class will get something special.
There will be a dance and games Friday night for grades 9-12 only after the football game until Midnight. $5.00 per person! NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES WILL BE ALLOWED. We will have water available and the pop machine will be turned on.
Attention River Watchers: Frank has been captured after being "on the lam" over the night time hours. Thanks to Shawn Klabo's quick hands, Frank is now back in his comfy abode.
Congratulations to the 7th grade, JV and Varsity teams on your wins over Griggs County last night!
Good luck to all our Patriot teams this weekend! The Football team plays against Divide County, Varsity Volleyball plays in Valley City, C-Squad Volleyball plays in Thompson, and Cross Country runs in Devils Lake. Good luck Patriots!
Today’s menu is Hot Ham & Cheese, Scalloped Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, Banana Pudding and Juice. 25¢ for an extra sandwich.