Early Release Incentive

Grades 9-12 Friday Early Release Incentive 2021-2022:

To empower our students to work hard and set goals, while also celebrating their success, students in grades 9-12 will be able to EARN a Friday Early Release Incentive. This means students who have earned the incentive will be released at 2:00pm for the day. 

Students must have met the following criteria:

*All CURRENT QUARTER grades must be a ‘C’ or higher as of Wednesday at 10:00am

*No missing work as of Wednesday at 10:00am

*No office referrals as of Wednesday at 10:00am

*No tardys as of Wednesday at 10:00am

*All students who are participating in this incentive MUST have a signed permission slip on file.

***Students who do not earn the incentive will be required to attend their homeroom for silent work time from 2:00-3:30. 

****The permission slip can be accessed and signed ON YOUR POWERSCHOOL ACCOUNT. If you need help please see the office! 

The following dates are Friday Early Release Incentives:

January 21

February 4, 25

March 11, 25

April 1, 22

May 13


I give my permission for my student__________________________________________to be released at 2:00pm on Fridays where he/she has earned this incentive by completing all work, passing all classes with a “C” or higher, have no tardys, and no office referrals. 

Parent/Guardian Name ___________________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Signature________________________________________

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Mrs. Blotsky,

MS/HS Principal