
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Encouraging Thought of the Day:

Tuesday Trivia: 
A human’s ears and nose never stop growing. 

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R! 

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Chicken Soft Taco
Spanish Rice

Daily Activities:


  • Girls Basketball plays at Hatton-Northwood, JH games at 4:00 and 5:00, JV at 6 followed by Varsity at 7:30, students are dismissed at  2:50, leave time 3:00
  • Girls Hockey takes on East Grand Forks at 5:30 and 7:30
  • Boys Basketball plays North Border at home tonight, JH games start at 4:45, JV at 6 followed by Varsity at 7

Good luck Patriots!! 

Boys Hockey 4:00
Speech 3:30
Wrestling 4:00

Daily Reminders:


Students who have received monthly POSITIVE office referrals/CLEAR Awards please see Mrs. Blotsky for your T-shirts!! 

This week, FBLA Members are celebrating FBLA week!  Members check our Schoology Group on how you can participate!  Today is Member Appreciation Day!  

FCCLA is selling Cookie Grams today through Thursday during the High School and Middle School lunch blocks! You can purchase your cookie gram paper for $1. You must return your paper by Friday, February 11th with an APPROPRIATE message to your valentine! The buyer MUST sign their name on the valentine and also who it should be delivered to in order for delivery! The valentine paper will be attached to a cookie and delivered on Monday, February 14th! Thank you for supporting FCCLA!

PROM 2022! Prom this year is being held on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022. A schedule of events, as well as sign-ups for Prom and Post-Prom, are in the office!

There is a sign-up outside of the office for Jr High Track and High School Track!

Students interested in taking Drivers Ed this summer, sign up outside of the office!

FFA Members: NDSU Contest is this Friday Feb. 11tth. Official dress and masks are required! See Mrs. Kieffer with any questions!

Baseball meeting for grades 7-12 on FRIDAY at 11:00am in the Auditorium. 

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the Library February 14-17.  It will be open before and after school during the day and the evenings of Feb. 14 & 15 during home basketball games. 

The month of February we celebrate our CTE programs at May Port CG!  CTE stands for Career and Technical Education.  Those of you who take part in FACS, Ag Ed and Business classes are learning skills that shape careers in those areas.  Our extra curricular groups of FCCLA, FFA and FBLA give members a chance to practice life skills and leadership that will improve their quality of life.  Take part in these programs and enjoy CTE Month!

Congratulations to the MPCG FBLA Chapter for reaching their goal for their community service project to help preserve and restore the Mayville Public Library!  Members through their GoFundMe Campaign and other donations and the baked potato feed have surpassed $10,000 ($11,115 to be exact at the moment) in funds.  Because of this, there is an anonymous MPCG FBLA Alumni matching $10,000 bringing the total effort to over $20,000!  Great job everyone!

Post-Prom will be holding a free throw contest with prizes during half time of the double header games on Feb 14 vs HCV! We will be looking for a couple of junior class parents to handle the prizes & 3-4 juniors to help with the contest. Contact the office if you can help!  

Post-Prom will be holding a Meatball Drive-Through Meal on Sunday, February 13th at the High School!  Meatballs, mashed potatoes & gravy, carrots, bun and a cookie for $12! Serving from 11:00 until gone! 

Remediation: If you are in remediation grades 8-9 will have remediation at 11:03 and grades 10-12 will have remediation at 11:28 you must attend your required time. Thank you!

LUNCH: Students in grades 10-12 YOU EAT at 11:03 Students in grades 8-9 YOU EAT lunch at 11:28. It is important that you eat at your required lunch time as lunch numbers in the kitchen are set!

IF YOU ARE SICK- STAY HOME! If you have questions about sickness and/or symptoms etc. please see Nurse Satrom. Masking is encouraged!

Detention:  Mr. Sola