Fri, Oct 12 MS/HS Announcements

Please consider donating a pie to the May-Port CG Booster Club Turkey Dinner!  You can go to and enter coordinator name Hutter and password Patriots to sign up. Further details can be found on the Perfect Potluck website or the May-Port CG Booster Facebook page.

Students: Please check your email!  Mrs. Strand sent out a reminder about work times and jobs for the Turkey Dinner on Sunday.

The Junior Parents Post-Prom Meeting has been rescheduled to October 18th at 7:30pm at the Pizza Shop to start talking over ideas.

Scholarships: Horatio Alger Association:  Provide financial assistance to seniors throughout the nation who have financial need (less than $55,000 adjusted gross family income is required), involvement in co-curricular and community service activities, and demonstrated academic achievement.  Students who have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity.  Amount: $22,000 (106) and $7000 (21 in the state of ND)   Due: Oct. 25th       Application at: https://scholars.horatioalger....

Hagen Scholarship:  Seeking high achieving, self-driven students with high goals.   Intended for high achieving students who will require financial assistance in order to attend college.  Requires a 3.5 GPA and at least a 23 ACT score. Work at least 240 hours in the 12 months before college.  Family expected contribution on the FAFSA is less than $6500.  Amount: $5000/semester of unmet need for four years (55) Finalists receive $1000 (350).  Due: November 15th Apply at 

ND Jaycee Lisa Burdolski Memorial and Senate Scholarships:  Based on academics, community service, leadership, and family income.  Amount: $300 (4) and $1000 (1).  Due Jan. 11th  Mail application to the following address:  ND Jaycee Senate Scholarship, 1372 32nd St. S. #7, Fargo ND 58103.  Apply at: 

Congratulations to the Volleyball team on their victory over Hatton-Northwood last night. Way to go Patriots!

Tomorrow the 7th Grade Volleyball team plays in Northwood, and the JV Volleyball team hosts a Jamboree here at home. Good luck Patriots!

Dress warm & bring your loud voices… Tomorrow the Patriots play at 3:00 in a First Round Football Playoff game against Cavalier at the Jerome Berg Field at Mayville State. Let’s all come out and support our Patriots!

Today’s menu is Chicken Nuggets, Cheesy Hashbrowns, Corn, and Grapes.