Students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 will be taking the North Dakota State Assessment starting on Monday, March 14 continuing through Thursday, April 7. Please make every effort to have your student(s) in school during this testing time. Each class has a schedule for testing. Student's will NOT be testing EVERY DAY during this time period. If you must excuse your student for an appointment please contact the office to check on the specific testing times for your student. 

Please click on the link below for the best ways you can help your students 

8 Tips for helping your student with testing..

Students in grades 3-8 and 10 will test in ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS and MATH.

Students in grades 4, 8, and 10 will test in SCIENCE.

Students in grades 5-8 and 10 who score Advanced will earn a place on the Gold Team and students who score Proficient will earn a place on the Silver Team. These awards will be announced at our end of the year Awards Assembly later this Spring!

Students in grades 3-4 will be working towards a CLASS-WIDE incentive! Students will earn a class incentive based on their  classrooms overall performance.

Please see the NDDPI Website for more information about scoring, practice tests, and testing resources. The following information was taken from the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction's webpage;  "The NDDPI supervises the development, implementation, and evaluation of the NDSA, the statewide assessment that measures student performance against the state's challenging content and achievement standards in select academic subjects and grades. The NDSA consists of general, criterion-referenced assessments for all students in grades 3-8 and 10 in English language arts/literacy and mathematics, and in grades 4, 8, and 10 in science. The NDDPI administers all aspects of the NDSA, ensuring that each assessment meets rigorous program requirements for validity and reliability, inclusion, technical quality, and reporting."

If you have any questions, please contact your student's building level Principal or Counselor.