The Music Fundraiser Coffee Order Forms are due today. Please bring these to Mr. Marquardt by the end of the day!
Hockey is looking for a student manager, if you are interested contact Mr. Nygaard.
Flu shots for students and staff will be available at MPCG on November 14th. Traill County Health District will be here 7:30-8:30 AM. Consent forms are in the office and are due November 12th to guarantee a vaccination.
Congratulations the five Health Survery winners from Friday: Bri Hutter, Natasha Storey, Audria Flexhaug, Ellie Bergstrom, and Chris Winkler. See Mr. Ulland to claim your gift card!
Attention Junior parents and students: The MPCG Post Prom tickets are being handed out today. Please check with your child and make sure they get them to you. Please do your best to sell these tickets. If you have any questions please contact Stacy Ust.
Good luck to the Volleyball team as they play Hatton-Northwood tonight in the third match of the Region 2 Volleyball Tournament, hosted at the Hillsboro Events Center! Let’s all come out and support the Patriots!
The NDHSAA has minimal behavior expectations for Post Season events. The use of appropriate language is expected at all times. Profanity, negative chants, trash talk, name-calling, personal attacks or other acts of disrespect are unacceptable and must be immediately addressed by school/tournament administrators. Any attendee ejected from a NDHSAA tournament venue will be banned from the venue(s) for the remainder of the event. We ask that you cheer for our teams and make this a positive experience for everyone in attendance.
Today’s menu is Hamburgers, Cheese Slice, Baked Beans, Chips, and Mandarin Oranges. 50¢ for an extra hamburger.