
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Monday, May 16, 2022

Encouraging Thought of the Day:
“Worry is the misuse of the imagination.”– Dan Zadra

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R! 

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Scalloped Potato & Ham

Daily Activities:


  • Boys Golf plays in Carrington, students left at 7:30
  • Track competes at Cushman Field at 3:00, students are dismissed at 12:50
  • Softball plays in Grafton today at 4:30, students dismissed at 1:35
  • Baseball takes on Larimore at home at 4:30, students dismissed at 3:15
  • Jr High Softball plays against HCV at the HS, students dismissed at 3:15


JH Baseball practice 4:00 in Portland

Daily Reminders:

Children’s Theatre Save the Date!!  Children’s Theatre is back this summer!! Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre will be bringing their directors here for the week of June 13 – 18. The show: “Sleeping Beauty” Young people entering 1 st grade through 12th grade are welcome. Auditions will be at Old Main Theatre at Mayville State starting at 1 pm on Monday June 13th. Rehearsals will run Tuesday through Friday from 1 pm to 5:15 pm! Performances are set for Saturday, the 18 th at 10 am and 1 pm. For further information contact the committee members: Samantha DeLong-701-436-6143, Jody Stevens-701-430-3727, Teresa Agnes-701-436-6404. 

Jr High Track members, please bring your jersey’s to the office!

There will be no Cheer open gym this week!

There is a sign-up outside the office for any students interested in joining the Football or Basketball Cheer Team for next year! The sign-up will close on WEDNESDAY! See Mrs. Kitchen with any questions.

There is a sign-up outside the office for any students interested in joining Girls Golf for next Fall!  See Ms. Herman with any questions!

SENIORS the ND/CTE Scholarship is due on JUNE 3. The application process opened on April 1. Do not forget to submit your scholarship application asap! 

The second annual “Drive your tractor to school” day is this Wednesday May 18th! You do not need to be an FFA member to participate. Please park in the gravel areas of the main parking lot! 

All library books are due back to the library by TODAY!!

Detention:  Mrs. Johnson