Hockey and basketball are looking for student managers, if you are interested contact Mr. Nygaard.
Calling all girls Grades 7-12! Radiate is hosting a Girls Slumber Party for grades 7-12 Friday, Nov 16 starting at 7:00pm at Riverside E Free Church. Lots of activities are planned! Bring a snack to share and a white shirt to tie dye! Any questions – see Mrs. A Johnson.
Reminder: Junior Bank Board meets on Monday, November 19th at 7:30 AM in the Mayville office.
The end of the year volleyball social for both the Jr High and High School volleyball teams will be on Monday, November 19th at 7:30 PM at the high school. Also, volleyball girls in grades 9-11 need to sign up for an individual end of the year with Mrs. Hanson. The sign-up sheet is outside her classroom door.
There will be an informational meeting for parents and students in grades 5-11 who are interested in the Finley Velocity Junior Olympics Volleyball Program on Sunday, November 18th at 3:00PM in the MPCG Gym. Informational flyers can be found outside of the office.
5th Hour Study Hall will be in Mrs. Hanson's room today.
Mr. Sola’s Common Time will be with Miss Ogburn today.
There is a Spring Baseball sign-up sheet in the office for boys in Grades 7-12 interested in playing baseball this spring! If you have any questions please see Coach Berry.
Today’s menu is Chicken Nuggets, Scalloped Potatoes, Corn and Applesauce.