
There is a Spring Baseball sign-up sheet in the office for boys in Grades 7-12 interested in playing baseball this spring! If you have any questions please see Coach Berry.

The Middle School Concert is on Monday at 7:00. Students with last names starting with N-Z are asked to bring a dozen bars or cookies to share after the concert.

Freshman – Mr. Varriano would like to remind you that you have a reading assignment due for him on Tuesday, at the beginning of Physical Science class.

The Middle School and High School Food Drive will begin on Monday, November 26th.  Please start bringing in non-perishable food items.  All middle school students will bring their items to Mrs. Marlene Johnson.  The high school students will bring their items as follows:  Freshmen to Mrs. Strand, Sophomores to Mrs. Hanson, Juniors to Mr. Hanson and Seniors to Mr. Kunkel.  There is a goal with prizes for both middle school and high school!

Congratulations to the Girls Hockey team on a tie game last night against Jamestown, and to the Boys Hockey team on a victory over Devils Lake!  Way to go Ice Dawgs!

Reminder – there will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday and Friday due to Thanksgiving Break!

Please take a look through the Lost & Found area of the Commons – all items will be removed after school today!

Today’s menu is Corndogs, Potato Salad, Green Beans, Peaches and Rice Krispy Bar. 25¢ for a second corndog.