
The Middle School Concert is TONIGHT at 7:00. Students with last names starting with N-Z are asked to bring a dozen bars or cookies to share after the concert. Thank you!

There is a Spring Baseball sign-up sheet in the office for boys in Grades 7-12 interested in playing baseball this spring! If you have any questions please see Coach Berry.

Freshman – Mr. Varriano would like to remind you that you have a reading assignment due for him tomorrow, at the beginning of Physical Science class.

Students interested in the Europe trip- the deadline to register to receive a 200 dollar discount is this Tuesday, November 27th. If you have any questions see Mrs. Germundson.

FCCLA members can begin to pick up their Christmas Greens orders at Countryside Creations tonight.  They are open until 5pm every night this week.  Please make arrangements to deliver to your customers as soon as possible!

The Middle School and High School Food Drive will begins today!  Please start bringing in non-perishable food items.  All middle school students will bring their items to Mrs. Marlene Johnson.  The high school students will bring their items as follows:  Freshmen to Mrs. Strand, Sophomores to Mrs. Hanson, Juniors to Mr. Hanson and Seniors to Mr. Kunkel.  There is a goal with prizes for both middle school and high school!

 Junior High Boys Basketball players will meet at 3:05 today on the stage. High School Boys Basketball will have a meeting at 5:15 and practice at 6:00 at PBJ.

Today’s menu is Hamburgers, Hash Browns, Corn, and Pears. 50¢ for a second hamburger.