
Students interested in the Europe trip- the deadline to register to receive a 200 dollar discount is this Tuesday, November 27th. If you have any questions see Mrs. Germundson.

FCCLA members can begin to pick up their Christmas Greens orders at Countryside Creations this week.  They are open until 5pm every night this week.  Please make arrangements to deliver to your customers as soon as possible!

There is a Spring Baseball sign-up sheet in the office for boys in Grades 7-12 interested in playing baseball this spring! If you have any questions please see Coach Berry.

The Middle School and High School Food Drive has started!  Please start bringing in non-perishable food items.  All middle school students will bring their items to Mrs. Marlene Johnson.  The high school students will bring their items as follows:  Freshmen to Mrs. Strand, Sophomores to Mrs. Hanson, Juniors to Mr. Hanson and Seniors to Mr. Kunkel.  There is a goal with prizes for both middle school and high school!

The following students need to return their Cross Country uniforms: Hailey Berg, Raina Satrom, Sadiyah Amanullah, Axel Anderson, and Jordan Evans. Please bring these to the office as soon as possible.

Seniors: Reminder, the Jostens Meeting is set for tomorrow at 2:00pm in the Auditorium.  Attendance at this meeting is mandatory, as information will be given regarding graduation and decisions need to be made regarding caps, gown, stoles, etc! Please make any necessary arrangements with OWE and STW to be at this meeting.    

Sophomores: You will also be meeting with Jostens tomorrow, and your meeting will start at approximately 2:30 in the Auditorium, after the Senior Class has finished their meeting. Attendance at this meeting is also mandatory, and you will be going over class ring ordering information.

Congratulations to the Middle School Music Department on a great concert last night!

Good luck to the 5th & 6th Grade Boys Basketball teams at their games in Hatton today! Start time is 4:30pm for 5th grade, followed by the 6th grade.

Good luck to the Girls Basketball teams today as they have their first game against Dakota Prairie at home! Jr High games will each be 3 quarters long, with 7th grade starting at 4:00pm followed by the 8th grade @ PBJ. High School JV game starts at 6:00pm followed by Varsity. Pep band will play! Let’s all come out and support the Patriots!

Today’s menu is Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garlic Toast, Green Beans, and Applesauce.