Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: August 30, 2022
Transformation Tuesday
Progress is progress
recognize what you’ve accomplished
reward yourself
don’t compare
love yourself
always keep going!
Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!
Every student can and should
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return.
Lunch Menu:
Hot Ham & Cheese *50¢ seconds
Cole Slaw
Glazed Carrots
Salad Bar
Daily Activities:
Congratulations to the Jr High and JV Football teams on great wins yesterday! Way to go, Patriots! It’s Game Day!
- Cross Country runs in Carrington today at 2:00, students dismissed at 11:20, leave at 11:30
- C/JV/V Volleyball takes on Northern Cass at home tonight! C-Squad starts at 4:45, followed by JV and Varsity
Good luck, Patriots!
Varsity Football practice 4:00 @ HS
Jr High Football Practice 4:00 @ HS
Jr High VB practice 4:00 @ PBJ
Girls Golf practice 4:00 @ Course
V Cheer practice 4:00 @ Portland
Jr High Cheer practice 4:00 @ Portland
Daily Reminders:
After you are finished eating, you MUST stay in the Commons UNTIL your bell rings. When you are walking to class after lunch remember, there are students in class! Please be respectful and quiet while in the hallways. Thank you!
Open Campus this week will begin on THURSDAY. The list for remediation/eligibility will be out on Wednesday morning at 10:00am. HOMEWORK will NOT be accepted by teachers AFTER 4:00pm on TUESDAYS to be counted for Wednesday eligibility.
Schedules are set!
The library is now open for checkouts! Mrs. Paschke is there to help you before school, during 2nd, 4th, and 5th hours, Patriot Pride Time, and after school.
Grades 9-12, be sure to check your email today! It’s time to vote for your class officers!
Anyone interested In helping with volleyball stats please contact Mrs. Hanson.
Pictures are outside the office for Cheer and Girls Golf! Come grab yours.
Anyone interested in purchasing a 2021-22 yearbook, contact Stacy Hanson. There are a few extra and the cost is $35.
Detention is with Mrs. Connick in her classroom.