ND Academic and Career &Technical Education Scholarships: Seniors planning to attend college in North Dakota and meet the academic criteria for either of these $6000 scholarships can apply online between Jan. 2nd - June 7th at:
ND Department of Public Instruction OR Fax To: Attn: ND Scholarship Program
Teacher & School Effectiveness Unit (701) 328-0201
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 201
Bismarck, ND 58505-0440
Polar Communications: John G Walters Scholarship: Seniors whose parents are a current Polar subscriber. Write a 300-word essay dealing with a selected topic. Amount: $1000 (5) Polar's Leadership Scholarship for students involved in their school, serve their community and achieve leadership roles. Amount $2000. Foundation for Rural Service (national level): Amount: $2500 FRS Staurulakis Family Scholarship: for seniors majoring in math, science, engineering, or medicine. Amount: $5000 (4) Telecom Management Services Scholarship: Amount $1,500 (2). Everett Kneece Return to Rural America Scholarship: Amount $7000. Roger Alan Cox Memorial Scholarship: $500 (3) Apply for all six scholarship with the same application. Due: Feb 15th Address: Box 270, Park River, ND 58270, (800) 284-7222 ext. 361 Application: https://www.polarcomm.com/comm...
Steel County Soil Conversation Scholarship: Senior planning to pursue a career in an Ag-related field. Must be a resident of Steele County. Amount: $500, Due: March 1st. Steele County SCD, 101 Industrial Drive, Finley, ND 58230