FCCLA will meet during Common Time in the FACS Room at 3:05pm.
Reminder: Monday, January 21st there will be No School!
There will be a meeting for all those in grades 6-12 who are interested in being a part of the musical this spring on Tuesday at common time. We will meet in the music room! We encourage you all to be a part of the 1st musical done at MPCG in at least 30 years!! See you Tuesday!
ATTN JUNIOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS: Every Junior student received 2 books of Post Prom tickets. We are 2 weeks away from the date those tickets are to be turned in. Please do your best to get these sold. By January 31st, I would like all tickets turned in. (Please turn in your tickets right away if you are not able to get them sold.) Tickets can be turned in to the MPCG High School Office or Stacy Ust.
Online CNA class students - Meet in the conference room next to Mrs. Satrom's office at 3pm today.
Congratulations to all the MPCG teams on their victories yesterday! Boys Hockey defeated Morris-Benson, Girls Hockey won in overtime against Park Rapids Area, and Girls Basketball defeated Park River Area Schools! Way to go Patriots!
Today’s menu is Chicken Patty on a Bun, Scalloped Potatoes, Peas, Oranges, and Fudge Stripe Dessert. 50¢ for seconds.
ND Academic and Career &Technical Education Scholarships: Seniors planning to attend college in North Dakota and meet the academic criteria for either of these $6000 scholarships can apply online between Jan. 2nd - June 7th at:
ND Department of Public Instruction OR Fax To: Attn: ND Scholarship Program - Teacher & School Effectiveness Unit, 600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 201, Bismarck, ND 58505-0440 (701) 328-0201
Polar Communications: John G Walters Scholarship: Seniors whose parents are a current Polar subscriber. Write a 300-word essay dealing with a selected topic. Amount: $1000 (5) Polar's Leadership Scholarship for students involved in teir school, serve their community and achieve leadership roles. Amount $2000. Foundation for Rural Service (national level) Amount: $2500 FRS Staurulakis Family Scholarship for seniors majoring in math, science, engineering, or medicine. Amount: $5000 (4) Telecom Management Services Scholarship: Amount $1,500 (2). Everett Kneece Return to Rural America Scholarship: Amount $7000. Roger Alan Cox Memorial Scholarship: $500 (3) Apply for all seven scholarships with the same application. Due: Feb. 15th Address: Box 270, Park River, ND 58270, (800) 284-7222 ext. 361 Application:
Steel County Soil Conversation Scholarship: Senior planning to pursue a career in an Ag-related field. Must be a resident of Steele County. Amount: $500, Due: March 1st. Steele County SCD, 101 Industrial Drive, Finley, ND 58230