Wed, Jan 23 MS/HS Announcements

The Junior Class will be attending the Traill County Career Expo & Job Fair today, January 23rd from 2:00-3:00 at the Mayville Armory. They will learn about opportunities available with Traill County employers both now and in the future.

SENIORS: There is a sign-up sheet in the office for selling 50/50 tickets at the home basketball games for Dollars for Scholars. Please stop in the office and find a time you can sign up!

Please remember Middle School students are NOT allowed in the MS until 8:00.

Auditions for the Musical will be held from 6:30-8:00 AM Thursday morning on the Stage, and then again during Patriot Pride Time on Thursday in the Music Room. You only need to attend one audition session. Any questions, see Mrs. Agnes or Mr. Marquardt!

 ATTN JUNIOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS:  Every Junior student received 2 books of Post Prom tickets.  We are 1 week away from the date those tickets are to be turned in.  Please do your best to get these sold.  By January 31st, I would like all tickets turned in.  (Please turn in your tickets right away if you are not able to get them sold.)  Tickets can be turned in to the MPCG High School Office or Stacy Ust.

Reminder: Junior Board is next Monday, January 28th at 7:30 AM in the Mayville office.

Middle School Student Council will meet tomorrow during Patriot Pride Time promptly at 3:05 in Mrs. M Johnson’s room.

SENIORS: There is a list in the office to verify the spelling of your names for your printed diplomas. Please be sure to stop in and make sure we have the correct spelling of your name!

This Sunday January 27th, there will be a Northern Lights FCA Event in Grand Forks. Leave time is 4:00 pm on Sunday from the High School.  Grades 6-12 are welcome. We will be stopping at Culver’s to eat. See Jackson Rexine with questions.

Congratulations to both the Girls Basketball Teams and the Boys Hockey Team on their victories last night. Way to go Patriots!

Today’s menu is Softshell Taco, Cheese, Lettuce, Spanish Rice and Applesauce.


American Legion Riders Scholarship:  District #8 American Legion Riders will be awarding 15-$1000.00 scholarships to graduating ND students that are planning to continue their education. Must be the son/daughter of the following: military, wounded warrior, disabled vet, survivor of a military KIA.  Amount: $1000 (5),  Due: May 15th.