SENIORS: There is a sign-up sheet in the office for selling 50/50 tickets at the home basketball games for Dollars for Scholars. Please stop in the office and find a time you can sign up!
Next week is Snowball Week! It will be a competition between the classes once again. We are doing the points a little different this time. Dress up days are listed below – these days are for BOTH Middle School and High School!
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Generation Day
Wednesday: Country Day
Thursday: Opposite Gender Day
Friday: Jersey Day
There will be a Semi-Formal Dance on Saturday the 9th.
Drumline will meet today during Patriot Pride Time.
Speech: Bus will leave @ 7:10 AM this Saturday for the Northern Cass Speech Meet.
Attention 8th grade students: Scrubs Camp is scheduled for February 27th. You will be getting a t-shirt for participating but we need your shirt size. Check your email today and fill out your t-shirt size and submit back to Mrs. Satrom. Do it today!
SENIORS: Community Service hours for February are due by the end of the day today.
The list of students who made the A & B Honor Rolls is posted on the bulletin board by the kitchen. Please review this list and see the office with any questions. The list will be printed in the newspaper next week.
Good luck to the Boys and Girls Basketball Teams (JV & Varsity only) as they play in Kindred tonight in a Double Header. JV Girls game starts at 4:30, followed by Varsity at 6:00. JV Boys game starts at 4:30, followed by Varsity at 7:30. All students are dismissed at 2:15 PM. Let’s go Patriots!
Today’s menu is Turkey Dinner with Pineapple.