SENIORS: There is a sign-up sheet in the office for selling 50/50 tickets at the home basketball games for Dollars for Scholars. Please stop in the office and find a time you can sign up!
Not sure what to give your Valentine? How about a FCCLA Cookie Gram? Cookie Grams will be for sale in the FACS room during Common Time on Monday, Feb. 4 through Friday, Feb. 8 this week for ONE DOLLAR! You can purchase the paper Valentine and bring it back in to the FACS Room for delivery on Valentine's Day. Deliveries will only be made if the message is appropriate and if it is signed by the buyer. Thanks for supporting MayPort CG FCCLA!!!
There will be a Math Counts meeting for those who signed up in Miss Ogburn's room on TODAY during Patriot Pride Time.
Drumline will be meeting during Patriot Pride Time today.
REMINDER: Junior Board is Monday, February 11th at 7:30 AM in the Mayville office.
This week’s musical rehearsal schedule:
Wed 6:45 Act 1 Scene 5
Thurs 6:45 Act 1 Scene 4
Fri 6:45 Act 1 Scene 3
Please see Mrs. Agnes with any questions!
Speech practice Tuesday and Thursday, weather permitting. The bus for BCN will leave at 6:45 AM on Saturday. The MPCG Speech Team competed at the Northern Cass tournament on Feb. 2nd and took 3rd overall out of 17 schools. Individual results are as follows:
Hailey Berg- 8th in Dramatic
Lily Moch - 7th in Humorous Duo
Malena Twedt - 7th in Storytelling, 4th in Serious Duo
Lucy Lindaas- 5th in EPR, 5th in Serious Duo\
Morgan Palmer - 5th in Serious Duo\
Lucas Peterson- 4th in Serious Duo, 1st in Humorous Duo, STATE QUALIFYING
Oliver Marquardt -1st in Humorous Duo, STATE QUALIFYING
Kyra Mortenson- 7th in Humorous Duo, 6th in Inform, 1st in Impromptu, STATE QUALIFYING
It is Snowball Week! It will be a competition between the classes once again. We are doing the points a little different this time. Dress up days are listed below – these days are for BOTH Middle School and High School!
Tuesday: Generation Day
Wednesday: Country Day
Thursday: Opposite Gender Day
Friday: Jersey Day
There will be a Semi-Formal Dance on Saturday the 9th for Grades 9-12 from 10:00-12:00 AM. Admission is $5 per person. Outside beverages will not be allowed, but beverages will be available at the school.
The list of students who made the A & B Honor Rolls is posted on the bulletin board by the kitchen. Please review this list and see the office with any questions. The list will be printed in the newspaper this week.
ATTN: Junior Student and Parents-- The deadline for turning in Post Prom tickets was January 31st, please get these turned in (even if you were not able to sell them I would like them turned in!!!). Tickets can be turned in to the MPCG office or Stacy Ust.
Good luck to the teams competing tonight:
C-Squad Girls Basketball Team vs. HCV tonight, game time is 6:00 here at the High School
Boys Basketball at North Border, JV and Varsity only. JV starts at 6:00 followed by Varsity
Boys Hockey at home vs. Fosston-Bagley, game time is 7:00 and Pep Band will play.
Let’s go Patriots!
Today’s menu is Chicken Teriyaki over Rice, Stir fry Veggies, and Chocolate Tart/Oranges.