SENIORS: This is the last week for selling 50/50 tickets at the home basketball games for Dollars for Scholars. There are two games left and no one signed up. Please stop in the office to sign up!
Not sure what to give your Valentine? How about a FCCLA Cookie Gram? Cookie Grams will be for sale in the FACS room all day today and tomorrow for ONE DOLLAR! You can purchase the paper Valentine and bring it back in to the FACS Room for delivery on Valentine's Day. Deliveries will only be made if the message is appropriate and if it is signed by the buyer. Thanks for supporting MayPort CG FCCLA!!!
This week is FCCLA week and today’s theme is “Be Spirited!” There are about 100 rocks hiddent throughout the Commons areas of the Middle and High School. The person that brings the most rocks to Mrs. Capouch in the FACS room at Patriot Pride Time will win a prize. Only one winner! The rock contest is for today only!
Juniors & Seniors: The Post Prom Committee is going to be holding a Food Drive from February 11th – March 11th. Each student is asked to bring in 4 items, and in return Thrivent Financial will be donating $250 towards the cost of food for the Post Prom Party. Please bring your items to Mr. Hanson’s room!
Congratulations to the VEX Robotics teams that competed at the State Meet this weekend in Edinburg. The A.L.T.O.S. (Ava Nelson, Teri Nelson, Oliver Marquardt, Sophie Kloster) team took 3rd overall, and team Jumba (Ben Ogburn and Dane Leland) took 8th overall.
Drumline will meet tomorrow morning at 8:00 in the Music Room.
The MPCG Speech Team competed at the Barnes County North Speech tournament on Saturday, and placed 3rd overall as a team. Way to go Patriots! Individual results are as follows:
Hailey Berg- 8th in Poetry
Reagan McGillis - 8th in Dramatic, 5th in Humorous Duo
Alexis Morowski - 5th in Humorous Duo
Ila Peterson- 7th in Impromput, 5th in Extemp Speaking
Malena Twedt - 7th in Entertain, 2nd in Storytelling
Zoe Agnes - 5th in Serious, 4th in Humorous Duo
Lily Moch - 6th in Dramatic, 6th in Humorous Duo, 4th in Poetry
Lucy Lindaas - 8th in Impromptu, 1st in Serious Duo
Morgan Palmer - 5th in Storytelling, 6th in Serious, 4th in Humorous Duo, 1st in Serious Duo
Kyra Mortenson - 6th in Humorous Duo, 7th in Serious, 1st in Impromptu, State Qualifying, 1st in Inform, State Qualifying
From Coach Dockter: Congrats to the 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball teams on great efforts this weekend at the Larimore and Northwood tournaments.
Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Basketball team for the wins on Friday and Saturday over Cavalier, and DVE!! The Girls JV Basketball team also took home a win over Drayton on Saturday!!
Congratulations to Rylee Thompson for finishing 2nd in the Region for Wrestling! Rylee will be competing in the State Tournament starting Thursday at the FargoDome.
Good luck to the Jr High Boys Basketball teams playing today against Finley Sharon Hope Page. The 7th grade starts at 4:00 here at the High School, followed by the 8th Grade at 5:00, also at the High School.
Good luck tonight to the Girls and Boys Basketball Teams playing in a Double Header in Hillsboro. Both JV games start at 4:30, followed by Girls Varsity at 6:00 and Boys Varsity at 7:30. Let’s go Patriots!
Today’s menu is Chicken Nuggets, Au Graten Potatoes, Corn and Pears.